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Opening time for Hue Festival 2020 adjusted

The Hue Festival 2020 will open on August 26 this year, two days earlier than the previously-decided date of August 28, the festival organising board said on July 21.

August Revolution – Turning point of Vietnam

Success of the August Revolution in 1945 was the first Victory of Vietnam since the country was led by the Communist Party of Vietnam.

Exhibition held to mark 75th anniversary of August Revolution

The Hanoitimes – The exhibition is open to visitors from August 18 to September 30.

Hanoi streets colourful to celebrate National Day

All streets in Hanoi are decorated with flags, flowers and banners to celebrate the 75th anniversary of National Day (September 2, 1945 – September 2, 2020).

Hanoi village preserves national flag-making craft

Residents of Tu Van village in Thuong Tin district on the outskirts of the capital have continued their tradition of making national flags for over 70 years, therefore serving to create national pride among visitors.