Vietnam respects, ensures right to belief, religious freedom

Throughout the “Doi moi” (Renewal) process, the belief and religious life in Vietnam has changed towards greater freedom and progress, which has been recognised by the international community.



Vietnam is now home to 16 religions that have been recognised by the State.

The country has 43 religious organisations with 26.5 million followers, accounting for 28 percent of the country’s population, along with tens of thousands of religious and worship facilities.

Together with diversity in religions, Vietnam is also a nation with 54 ethnic groups, with ethnic minority groups being considered as an important part of the Vietnamese ethnic community.

For a multi-ethnic and multi-religion country, belief and religious activities have been practiced vibrantly across the country, creating a diversity in Vietnamese people’s spiritual life. Currently, about 95 percent of Vietnamese people have practiced belief and religious activities.

Religious activities carried out by foreign organisations and individuals in Vietnam have enjoyed favourable conditions, including easy procedures for the registration of concentrated religious activities and inviting foreign or Vietnamese religious dignitaries to preaching, as well as allowing the import of religious cultural products to Vietnam.

New features in the Law of Belief and Religion have reformed and simplified administrative procedures, making it easier for belief and religious activities. For example, the necessary operation duration for a religious organisation to be recognised has been shortened from 23 years to five years./.