Nghe An promotes intra-tourism to ensure epidemic prevention safety

After the easing of COVID-19 physical distancing measures, many localities resumed their economic activities, including tourism. The central province of Nghe An is promoting intra-tourism to boost its economic development while protecting its citizens from COVID-19.


Instead of going to another locality during the holiday, Nguyen Thi Kim Nhung and her family travelled around Nghe An province to both ensure their safety and take some time out from the tough physical distancing measure.

Even after the easing, the epidemic is still lurking, so many people in Nghe An province opted for intra tourism rather than travelling to other localities during the holiday.

With local tourist attractions reopening, the number of tourists is still low compared to the same period last year, notably on Cua Lo and Quynh beaches, and Bai Lu ecotourism site, along with many other attractions.

Due to the prolonged COVID-19 epidemic, Nghe An province’s Tourism Department has invested in intensive market research and set up a more sustainable and sensible plan while improving tourism quality as well as infrastructure to attract more tourists./.