With a long history of development, the Giay ethnic people possess a rich and diverse culture.

One unique and special cultural tradition of the Giay ethnic people is the bride-welcoming ceremony, an integral part of their weddings.

The wedding ceremony typically takes place at the end of the year, after the rice harvest.

Prior to the bride-welcoming ceremony, the Giay ethnic couple must go through a series of customary rituals, including engagement and bargaining.

Accompanied by two matchmakers, the bridegroom, the groomsman, and a group of people carrying offerings, they make their way to the bride’s house.

The offerings include a can of white wine, two boxes of cakes, and two baskets of chickens.

Throughout the journey, a ceremonial music team plays the trumpet until they arrive at the bride’s house.

Playing the flute also serves the purpose of attracting villagers to join the bridegroom’s entourage.

The two matchmakers play important roles in the wedding ceremony of the Giay ethnic people.

The gate of the bride’s house is horizontally tied with a red string, and one of the matchmakers performs a ritual to seek permission from the bride’s relatives to open the gate.

Next, representatives of the bride’s family splash water over the bridegroom’s family members as a customary ritual believed to wash away dust and bad luck.

The representatives of the bride’s family present cups of wine to the matchmakers, praying for good luck and the union of the two families.

By performing songs and playing the trumpet, the bridegroom’s family persuades the bride’s family to untie the red string and welcome them into the house.

After the representative from the bridegroom’s family completes the ceremony, relatives from both sides discuss the couple’s future life.

All raise their glasses and toast to wishing the couple happiness in their future together.

After the ceremony, the bridegroom joyfully brings the bride to his home.

During the journey home, the bride is adorned with a red scarf, following the traditional customs of the Giay ethnic people.

The couple’s joy is palpable as the bridegroom removes the red scarf, symbolizing the beginning of their married life.

With the wedding ceremony concluded, the young couple embarks on a new chapter in their lives.
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