The recent exhibition, “The Future of Vietnam’s Living Space – An Urban Dream,” took place in the bustling walking zone near Hoan Kiem Lake. The event showcased innovative architectural and planning concepts from five distinguished architecture firms through five research projects. It offered the public an insightful glimpse into the exciting possibilities for Vietnam’s future urban landscape.

Exhibition of living space proposals for Vietnamese people on Hoan Kiem pedestrian street in early July. Photo: Tap chi Kien truc

The event is a key component of the Architectural Leader Perspective (ALP) program for 2021-2022. With a focus on “The Future of Vietnam’s Living Space – The First Architectural Approaches”, the event was recently held in Hanoi by LIXIL Vietnam.

The future of living space is an exciting and rapidly evolving field. With advancements in technology and changing societal needs, our concept of what a living space looks like is constantly being reimagined.

One key aspect of the future of living space is the incorporation of smart technology. Increasingly, homes are being equipped with smart devices and systems that can be controlled remotely, making our lives more convenient and efficient. From adjusting the thermostat to turning off lights, these technologies are revolutionizing the way we interact with our living spaces.

Another important trend in the future of living space is the emphasis on sustainability and eco-friendly design. As our awareness of climate change and the need to reduce our carbon footprint grows, architects and designers are finding innovative ways to incorporate sustainable materials and energy-efficient systems into our homes. From solar panels to green roofs, these advancements are not only good for the environment but also for our wallets as they can help reduce energy consumption and lower utility bills.

Furthermore, the future of living space is also being influenced by changing demographics and lifestyle preferences. As more people choose to live in urban areas, the demand for smaller and more adaptable living spaces is on the rise. Creative solutions, such as modular furniture and multifunctional rooms, are being developed to maximize space and provide flexibility for individuals and families.

In conclusion, the future of living space holds great promise and potential. With the integration of smart technology, sustainability, and adaptable design, our homes will continue to evolve and meet the changing needs of society. It is an exciting time to be a part of the world of architecture and design as we shape the living spaces of the future.

ALP 2021-2022 Program Projects

  • Project 1: Practical Solutions for Future Living Space in Vietnam
  • Project 2: Suggested Models for Future Living Space in Vietnam
  • Project 3: Scalable Solutions for Future Living Space in Vietnam
  • Project 4: Solving Problems in Future Living Space in Vietnam
  • Project 5: Future Living Space in Vietnam: Innovations and Solutions

The topic of “Suburban Housing” has caught the attention of Vietnamese architects, specifically architects Nguyen Duy Thanh and Dao Hai Nam of 1+1>2 International Architecture JSC.

Architect Nguyen Duy Thanh explains that in the Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City regions, there are several traditional farming villages situated around the bustling urban centers. These villages, with their deep historical roots, have managed to maintain a harmonious ecological equilibrium between the community’s living environment and their agricultural practices. However, the rapid process of urbanization has disrupted this delicate balance, transforming the traditional cultural landscapes of these areas.

In support of his claim, he presented visual evidence of the transformation of Van Phu Village in Ha Dong District, Hanoi. Over the course of approximately 15-20 years, the rapid urbanization process has eradicated the once rural landscapes, replacing vast agricultural and green areas with densely packed rows of residential structures.

“In earlier times, the villages were encompassed by bamboo groves, but they have now been supplanted by structures of concrete,” highlighted architect Thanh.

The Renovated Vietnam Institute of Advanced Study in Mathematics project was skillfully designed by the esteemed architectural firm 1+1>2 Architects. The project’s striking visuals were captured in an exquisite photograph featured on

The project has showcased the proposed pilot rural village urbanization scheme through a series of visually appealing images. These images highlight the intended development direction, including landscape design techniques that focus on preserving and promoting cultural features, enhancing existing landscapes, and creating new public spaces. Additionally, the project provides architectural guidance by identifying the characteristic house model for each area and offering design orientations for each specific model.

The first approaches

The project “ZU – Zero Unit: Towards Restructuring Existing Urban Space” undertaken by atelier tho.A focused on exploring the unfulfilled psychological needs of residents. The aim was to propose design solutions for enhancing current living spaces while also addressing the reuse of materials and structures.

Solutions and Designs for Public Spaces in Residential Towers

In an effort to optimize space and promote versatility, Cubic Architecture JSC. has proposed a new design for public spaces in residential towers. This design features multifunctional areas that can be easily adapted to suit different situations and activities. By allowing for flexible use, these spaces can better accommodate the needs of residents and enhance overall functionality.

Creation of living space by atelier tho.A. Photo courtesy of the company

Viet Architecture JSC presents “Artificial Intelligence: From Architecture to Life,” another groundbreaking project. This model harnesses the power of AI to offer designs that are tailored to specific needs while reducing reliance on manpower and energy. Additionally, it optimizes waste management processes, resulting in a more efficient utilization of resources.

One noteworthy project is the ‘Rebuilt Housing Model’ undertaken by TTA Partners Construction Architecture JSC. This initiative aims to transform the urban landscape, particularly in deteriorated areas and those lacking green spaces within downtown Hanoi.

On July 1, LIXIL Vietnam organized a seminar titled “The Future of Vietnam’s Living Space – The First Architectural Approaches” to present the proposals from the five projects. The event gathered nearly 200 professionals including architects, designers, investors, and experts from various fields such as architecture, interior design, urban planning, building materials, and sociology. The participants engaged in comprehensive discussions on relevant topics and emphasized the importance of professional involvement in resolving existing challenges.

During an interview, Dr. Ngo Viet Nam Son shared his perspective on the future living space of Vietnamese individuals, particularly in densely populated urban areas. He highlighted the important concept of “Community Planning” prevalent in North America. According to this approach, urban planning should align with community planning, ensuring that living spaces are organized to meet the specific identities and requirements of each community.

Ideal living space in nature. Photo: atelier tho.A

“In Vietnam, there appears to be a lack of emphasis on this concept. The emergence of Covid-19 highlighted the disorganization in community planning, despite having a decent urban planning framework in place. It was observed that areas with efficient community planning demonstrated more adaptive and effective responses to the pandemic,” shared Nam Son.

Meanwhile, Uchidate Katsuak, the General Director of LIXIL Vietnam, emphasized the increasing urgency for improved living spaces during the past two years of the pandemic. He highlighted that this year’s theme for ALP 2021-2022, ‘The Future of Vietnam’s Living Space’, aims to address the current challenges in architecture and construction to find solutions for Vietnam’s living spaces.

The empirical research findings will be transformed into solutions that will be presented to organizations, investors, and administrative agencies. These solutions aim to enhance the quality of living spaces for the Vietnamese population in the future.