In pictures: Vietnam’s impressive shooting performance in 2020 Tank Biathlon’s qualifying match

Upon finishing first in the 2020 Tank Biathlon’s qualifying match by on-point shooting rice, the VN1 tank crew received loud cheers from Vietnamese spectators in the seating lines.


(Video: QDND Online)

Vietnam tank team on Monday afternoon entered the 2020 Tank Biathlon’s qualifying match Round 2 with Myanmar, Qatar, and South Ossetia rivals. The VN1 tank crew went out the field in a yellow T-72B3 tank supplied by the host country. With nice shoots, the team shot down all five targets and finished first in the race in just 28 mins 22 secs. South Ossetia and Myanmar team finished second and third. Qatar team came in last due to technical problems.

Vietnam tank crew will return to play in the second round on August 28.

Upon reaching the finishing lines first, the Vietnam tank team was loudly cheered on and received a standing ovation from spectators. Vietnam flags were seen flying even higher at the victory.

in pictures vietnams impressive shooting performance in 2020 tank biathlons qualifying match
The tank was spotted as it’s shooting in the race (Photo: VTC News)
in pictures vietnams impressive shooting performance in 2020 tank biathlons qualifying match
(Photo: VTC News)
in pictures vietnams impressive shooting performance in 2020 tank biathlons qualifying match
The VN1 tank team (Photo: VTC News)
in pictures vietnams impressive shooting performance in 2020 tank biathlons qualifying match
(Photo: VTC News)
in pictures vietnams impressive shooting performance in 2020 tank biathlons qualifying match
The team are praised and congratulated on by Lieutenant-General Ngo Tien Minh (Photo: VTC News)
in pictures vietnams impressive shooting performance in 2020 tank biathlons qualifying match
(Photo: VTC News)
in pictures vietnams impressive shooting performance in 2020 tank biathlons qualifying match
(Photo: VTC News)
in pictures vietnams impressive shooting performance in 2020 tank biathlons qualifying match
(Photo: VTC News)