Runway upgrade at Tan Son Nhat int’l airport to finish in early 2021

The Minister of Transport has urged contractors to complete the upgrade of four taxiways and one of HCM City’s Tân Sơn Nhất international airport’s two runways by the year-end to meet heightened travel demand for the Tet (Lunar New Year) holiday.



In June the ministry assigned the Cuu Long Corporation for Investment Development and Project Management of Infrastructure (CIPM) to implement the project.

According to CIPM, the runway upgrade project, which includes 13 bidding packages, has completed 41 per cent of its work. 

The runway is expected to be completed in November and will be tested for 45 days before opening in early 2021, as planned, according to CIPM.

The upgrade work began on the runway and four taxiways on June 30.

Tan Son Nhat airport has two parallel runways, 3.8km long and 45m wide each, designed to handle wide-bodied aircraft used for long-haul flights. During the upgrade, aircraft will take off and land on the other runway./.