In a groundbreaking initiative, the Indian government has introduced the One Nation One Subscription (ONOS) scheme, a transformative step towards making academic research and scholarly journals accessible to all.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi hailed the scheme as a “game-changer,” empowering India’s youth and academia. With ONOS, young scholars across the nation can now access a vast array of knowledge, enabling them to contribute significantly to global research with fresh perspectives and innovations.
For the first time, over 20 million students, teachers, and researchers from 6,300 institutions will be able to explore thousands of high-impact international journals through a unified digital gateway.
Historically, access to cutting-edge academic resources has been limited to a privileged few, often confined to well-funded institutions or those in metropolitan areas. However, ONOS challenges this exclusivity by striving for inclusivity, ensuring that even smaller institutions in Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities can partake in the wealth of knowledge.
This scheme is expected to catalyze academic research, fostering interdisciplinary studies and bolstering India’s standing in the global academic arena.
With a staggering ₹6,000 crore (AUD 1.2 billion) in funding from the Union Cabinet, ONOS will reshape how Indian academia engages with worldwide research. Institutions, including government universities, colleges, and research labs, will gain seamless digital access to over 13,000 e-journals from renowned publishers like Elsevier, Taylor & Francis, and Oxford University Press.
The Information and Library Network (INFLIBNET), an autonomous body under the University Grants Commission (UGC), will manage the centralized distribution of journals. From 2025 onward, these academic resources will be consolidated into a single, user-friendly portal, readily accessible to eligible institutions nationwide.
Students, faculty, and researchers rely on high-quality research for their academic advancement. However, the cost of journal subscriptions has often been prohibitive, especially for smaller universities or those in less developed regions. ONOS eliminates this financial hurdle, providing equal opportunities for all to access the best global research across diverse disciplines.
This initiative is particularly advantageous for students and academics in Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities, who have traditionally faced challenges due to limited access to international research. It aligns with the government’s vision of creating an equal playing field, ensuring that every student, regardless of location, can access the same world-class research materials.
One of ONOS’s standout features is the inclusion of prestigious international publishers. The extensive list of nearly 13,000 e-journals encompasses top publishers such as Springer Nature, Wiley Blackwell, and Sage Publishing, covering a wide range of academic fields. With such a wealth of resources, students and researchers can stay at the forefront of their disciplines, driving the latest advancements and contributing to the global knowledge base.
The One Nation One Subscription scheme goes beyond mere access to research; it nurtures a culture of innovation and excellence within India. As the country aspires to become a global leader in research and development, initiatives like ONOS are vital in fostering an environment conducive to academic exploration and discovery.
Additionally, the scheme aligns with India’s broader educational goals, supporting the National Education Policy (2020), which emphasizes the importance of research in the country’s educational framework. By enhancing access to quality research materials, ONOS empowers students to embrace interdisciplinary studies, critical thinking, and innovation in their chosen fields.
According to Prof. Mamidala Jagadesh Kumar, Chairman of the University Grants Commission, the One Nation One Subscription initiative will promote both core and interdisciplinary research in India.
The government’s investment of ₹6,000 crore (AUD 1.2 billion) marks the beginning of this ambitious project. With a phased rollout, the scheme will eventually extend to private institutions and Indian journals, creating a comprehensive platform for global and national research. Over the next three years, as more institutions join, the ONOS platform is poised to become the largest digital library for Indian academia, fostering not just research but also collaboration and knowledge exchange on a global scale.
The long-term impact of this initiative is evident. By improving access to high-quality research, One Nation One Subscription will empower Indian students, faculty, and researchers to expand the frontiers of knowledge. Consequently, it will contribute to India’s emergence as a knowledge-driven economy in the 21st century.