Vietnam Named One of the Best Places to Visit After the Pandemic

The New York-based travel magazine Travel + Leisure has named Vietnam on its list of the top 17 destinations for tourists after the COVID-19 crisis ends.

Vietnam ranked among top post-pandemic travel destinations

A tourist takes a photo of St Joseph’s Cathedral in Hanoi after the social distancing regulations were eased.

According to Travel + Leisure magazine, the social distancing period has allowed people to embrace leisure activities while at home, but it is travel that truly ignites their spirits.

In a recent article, Karen I. Chen, the magazine’s editorial producer, expressed her desire to relax on a beautiful tropical beach and indulge in the incredible street food and local restaurants that Vietnam has to offer.

Chen and her friends had initially planned to visit the Philippines and Vietnam in May, but like so many others, their plans were disrupted due to the pandemic.

“I have traveled extensively throughout East Asia and Southeast Asia, but these two countries have been on the top of my bucket list. From what I have heard, I have saved the best for last,” Chen said.

Chen also highlighted the unfortunate racism experienced by Asians around the world as a result of the virus outbreak originating in Asia. She emphasized that the pandemic is a global issue that has affected all travelers.

“I can’t wait to have the opportunity to return and contribute to the vibrant and culturally rich tourism industry in this part of the world,” Chen added.

In addition to Vietnam, Travel + Leisure magazine’s list of top post-pandemic travel destinations includes Santorini (Greece), Jamaica, Midwest, New Orleans, Palm Springs & Texas, Puerto Rico (USA), Copenhagen (Denmark), Australia, London (UK), Paris (France), Mexico, and Italy.

In 2019, the magazine named Hoi An ancient town in central Vietnam as the best city in the world, praising its ancient heritage, unique architecture, vibrant atmosphere, and outstanding street food scene.