As Covid-19 cases rise exponentially in many provinces nationwide, musician Xuan Tri released a video clip for his song ‘Vietnam chong dich vang danh’ (Vietnam’s Fight Against the Pandemic).

The new MV by composer Xuan Tri has recently been released on YouTube.

The song was written in energetic rock tunes but with meaningful heartfelt lyrics. It is hoped to create a positive and uplifting mood to help people get through one of the toughest years.

The composer of the song said he felt heartbroken and concerned watching and reading news about the pandemic and the struggle of frontline healthcare workers and forces. He felt an inner voice calling him to write and produce a song that could bring people together in a time of crisis. Then, the song was composed within just a couple of days.

“I felt extremely moved to see the images of doctors, nurses, and volunteers from all over the country on their way to Ho Chi Minh City to aid the fight against Covid-19. Those scenes reminded me about the images of young people who volunteered to fight in the South during the American War before 1975,” he said.

The song ‘Vietnam’s Fight Against Pandemic’ was composed based on a poem with the same name by author Pham Thuyen, with the performance of singers from the Military Region 3’s Singing and Dancing Troupe, General Department of Logistics, Vietnam People’s Army.

Through this MV, musician Xuan Tri and MV’s producers wish to raise awareness among people about the fight against the pandemic, giving their effort to repel Covid-19, so that a happy and peaceful life can soon return to the country.