The festival featured the participation of artisans, artists, actors and actresses from 19 units in the Truong Son Range – Central Highland area.

The festival aims to preserve and promote the values of intangible cultural heritages, customs, traditional festivals, folk songs, folk dances, costumes and cuisine of ethnic groups in the Truong Son Range – Central Highland area and several other ethnics groups in the country.

A performance of Central Highland gongs (Photo: NDO)

The event also contributes to affirming the people’s faith in the leadership of the Party and State while arousing the aspiration for national development and promoting the will and strength of national unity.

At the festival, the artisans and artists reproduced a procession of sacred objects, beliefs and activities in the traditional festivals of the ethnic groups as well as performed folk songs, dances, and traditional instruments and played sport games.

A performance of Quan Ho (Love Duet) singing at the festival (Photo: NDO)

The third Folk Performing Arts and Cultural Festival of Ethnic Groups in Truong Son Range – Central Highland area will last until March 19 with various major activities including a contest for talented men and responsible women, performances of folk dances, games and Central Highland gongs, and experience activities.

Earlier, Deputy Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism Trinh Thi Thuy read a letter from Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong to the cadres and staff of the cultural, sports and tourism sector and launched the project on “building a grassroots cultural environment and promoting staff organisation work”.