HCMC listed as world’s 10 cheapest cities for expats

Ho Chi Minh City is listed among the world’s top 10 cities with the cheapest living-cost for foreigners by the prestigious Business Insider.


One corner in Ho Chi Minh City (Photo: Expat)
One corner in Ho Chi Minh City (Photo: Expat)

Accordingly, roughly 77% of expats residing in Ho Chi Minh City, southern Vietnam in the survey showed their contentment with the current stage of their finances.

Vietnam’s Ho Chi Minh City took the top spot for living costs and housing expenses, with more than three quarters of current expats living there saying they feel good about their finances,” the article states.

Low living cost and housing expenses come in handy when it comes to living abroad, “it can make life significantly more affordable, with these cities, in particular, making life far cheaper”, Business Insider stated.

Ho Chi Minh City tops the list together with Malaysia’s Kuala Lumpur and Thailand’s Bangkok, Hungary’s Budapest. Other European and Southeast Asian cities are also mentioned in the list.

(Video: VNA)