We are approaching the final step of the lockdown and forseeing the step-by-step relaxation of Saigon.

The people committee of Ho Chi Minh has given out the order for the city to reopen. The officials of all districts are now planning on the upcoming reopening plan. It includes different actions and strategies to help the city slowly get back on its feet after a long-lasting lockdown.

According to the given directive, the step-by-step relaxation will start from 00:00 on the 1st of October. The proposed plan expects to help slowly recover the economy of the country. “The new norm” will be carried out. All the activities that are allowed to reopen again will have to follow the order of the government.

This plan is not officially launched yet but it is very likely that authorities will implement the “new normal concept” as in many other countries. Ho Chi Minh city are prioritizing solutions to help revive its economy and fighting the virus sustainably.

In this quick video, you will learn about :

  • The ‘Phu Quoc Sandbox’ update about the plan to welcome international tourists,
  • The vaccination roll out and green pass,
  • The ‘new normal’ of Vietnam and what we should expect in the next weeks


The green pass

As the goal is to limit direct interaction as much as possible, individuals and businesses will have to update their information on a mobile app.

The city requires businesses allowed to open to sign up for a digital QR code for frequent Covid checks. The manufacturing businesses must download the PC-COVID app or the Green Pass Covid to gain better control.

Businesses must meet these three conditions to receive a green pass:

  • All staff must be tested negative to Covid-19
  • All staff has received vaccination
  • Staff was negative to Covid-19 but cured and has not been in contact with any F0 for 14 days.

On the individual side, all citizens must strictly follow the 5K principle and remain a distance of at least 2m from other people.

green pass in Vietnam

When going out, all citizens must show the digital green pass or physical evidence that presents their healthy state (includes F0 cured after 180 days; Those who have got their vaccines after the 14 days).

The reorganization of traveling

Ho Chi Minh will remain the 12 stations at the city’s borders and the 39 stations close to other provinces for the transport activity. At these stations, Ho Chi Minh City will continue to carry out transportation examinations by evaluating the QR code and use other tools to identify different organizations.

travel and going out in vietnam

Shippers are allowed to travel within the city once they have received full vaccination or were cured of Covid-19. Also, they must remain in frequent Covid checks.

A maximum of 50% of productivity is allowed for human transportation including railway, roadway, and seaway. Moreover, the people committee and the officials of each district are working on the traveling plan for the individuals which include Blue-collar and white-collar workers, government officials, experts, people needing medical checks, …

There have been recommendations to open some international and domestic airways from Tan Son Nhat airport.

The businesses that are allowed to reopen

Manufacturing businesses can open again but with a restricted number only. The maximum is ten people. However, if the percentage of fully-vaccinated or fully-cured people is 100%, the allowed maximum is 50 people.

manufacturing hubs and factory in vietnam

For private and governmental organizations that are allowed to open will be given a green pass. These organizations include:

  • Businesses and manufacturing factories that operate in industrial zones; Services that provide farming materials;
  • Businesses that provide agricultural materials; Veterinary clinics; construction areas.
  • Hospital/clinic services; medical check activities; businesses providing medical equipment, medicine; Cosmetic clinics; General clinics.
  • Food stores; Businesses providing fuels, chemicals; Electricity/water supply services; maintenance services.
  • Wedding and funeral activities; Security services; Transport activities; Park areas; environmental companies.
    credit/banking services; State treasury; post office; television stations; Online delivery services; eCommerce channels.
  • Supermarkets, malls; Convenience stores, grocery stores, retail stores; restaurants; (Takeaway only unless that specific service is allowed by the officials to serve in-store services); Tourism; traditional markets; barbers/salons (But the productivity is cut down to 50%); Museums, tourist destinations, resorts (The productivity is cut down to 30% with specified conditions).
  • Sports activities, art performing activities (The productivity is cut down to 30% with specified conditions); Daily exercises with a restricted number only; Wedding (allowed to take place with 50 attendances max); Funeral (allowed to take place with 20 attendances max). Weddings and funerals take place under the observation of local health staff.
  • Education activities (encouraged to remain online but will be conducted step-by-step to approach face-to-face learning again); Teaching activities that include a group of people who are 18+ and must be fully vaccinated.

Businesses that are temporarily closed: Bars, Spas, Beauty salons, In-store eating services, theaters, internet cafes, karaokes, religious activities, lottery ticket services, …

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