Vietnamese Blue-beret Soldiers Bring Hope to African Schools Through Donations of Essential Supplies

On September 22, Vietnamese and Bangladeshi legislators exchanged ideas in a meeting, with the president of Vietnam acknowledging Lao assistance in the nation's growth. Moreover, Vietnam and the US interacted in a yearly defense policy dialogue, while Vietnamese blue-beret soldiers supplied schools and other resources to African children.


Vietnam News Today (September 22) – Notable Headlines

Top Vietnamese and Bangladeshi legislators hold talks

The President commends Laos for their unwavering support towards Vietnam’s development.

Vietnam and the United States recently conducted their annual defense policy dialogue, signifying a crucial exchange between the two nations. The event highlighted the robust defense relationship and allowed for the discussion of key strategic and security issues. This dialogue epitomizes the commitment of both countries to strengthening defense cooperation and promoting regional peace and stability. The dialogue serves as a platform for constructive dialogue and an opportunity to advance shared interests and mutual understanding.

Vietnamese blue-beret soldiers have taken it upon themselves to support children in Africa by providing them with schools and necessary supplies. They have chosen to make a difference in the lives of these young ones and contribute to their education and well-being. This initiative emphasizes their commitment towards enhancing the lives of children in need, and showcases their dedication to serving humanity.

According to the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the potential climate investment opportunities in Vietnam are projected to reach a staggering US$757 billion by the year 2030.

The Vietnam-Algeria inter-governmental committee is scheduled to convene in the month of October.

Culture Week Celebrating 120 Years of Tourism in Sapa Commences

Discover Hidden Gems in Vietnam: A German News Site’s Guide

Are you tired of the usual tourist spots in Vietnam? Are you looking for a unique and authentic travel experience? Look no further! A German news site has recently released a guide that introduces some of the most overlooked destinations in Vietnam. These hidden gems will surely leave you fascinated and wanting more.

The guide covers various regions of Vietnam, from the stunning limestone islands of Ha Long Bay to the breathtaking mountains of Sapa. It also includes lesser-known destinations such as the charming town of Hoi An and the rustic village of Mai Chau.

What sets this guide apart is its focus on authenticity and local experiences. It introduces readers to traditional markets, local cuisine, and cultural festivals that are often missed by the usual tourist circuit. It encourages readers to interact with locals and immerse themselves in the rich culture and history of Vietnam.

So if you’re looking to discover the true essence of Vietnam, check out this guide from the German news site. It’s time to venture off the beaten path and explore the hidden treasures of this beautiful country.

The Deputy Prime Minister graciously welcomes the new Ambassador of the Republic of Korea

NA Chairman Hue and his Bangladeshi counterpart sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on cooperation between the two legislative bodies.
NA Chairman Hue and his Bangladeshi counterpart sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on cooperation between the two legislative bodies.

Legislators of Vietnam and Bangladesh Discuss Collaboration

On September 21, National Assembly (NA) Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue engaged in talks with Shirin Sharmin Chaudhury, the Speaker of Jatiya Sangsad (Parliament) of Bangladesh, in Dhaka.

During the discussions, the esteemed Vietnamese legislator extended congratulations to Bangladesh for its recent notable accomplishments. These include an impressive GDP growth of over 7% in the fiscal year 2021-2022, as well as its position as the world’s second largest exporter of apparel products, showcasing excellence in this industry. Furthermore, Bangladesh has also been recognized as a leading example in the establishment of environmentally friendly factories.

Both parties expressed their gratitude for the longstanding friendship between the two nations, which was further strengthened by the significant bilateral trade volume of USD 1.5 billion in the previous year. Bangladesh holds the position of being Vietnam’s second largest trading partner in the South Asian region.

The parties have agreed to facilitate the exchange of delegations at all levels through various channels, including the State, Government, parliamentary, and people-to-people exchange. They also aim to expedite the implementation of bilateral mechanisms, with a particular focus on the Joint Commission on Economic, Cultural, and Scientific-Technical Cooperation. Additionally, Hue expressed appreciation for the establishment of the Bangladesh-Vietnam Friendship Association.

With a population of nearly 170 million, Bangladesh is a promising market for Vietnam to expand its exports. There are favorable conditions for Vietnam to increase its exports to the South Asian country, especially in areas where Vietnam excels such as agricultural machinery, raw materials, household appliances, electronics, and processed agro-fishery products. Additionally, there is potential for cooperation in Halal food.

Chaudhury commended the excellent organization of the policy and law forum, which aims to enhance bilateral economic, trade, and investment relations.

She urged Vietnamese companies to consider the opportunities available in the Bangladeshi market and invest in the country, with a particular focus on the newly established special economic zones. These investments would help to boost Bangladesh’s exports, including pharmaceuticals, ceramics, and leather and footwear, thereby contributing to a more equitable trade relationship.

The host was appreciative of Hue’s suggestions pertaining to Bangladesh’s endeavors in sending students and scholars to Vietnamese universities, as well as the proposition to establish branches of renowned international universities in Vietnam.

According to a report by VOV, the speaker highlighted the importance of signing contracts for tour packages to Vietnam and Bangladesh. Additionally, she emphasized the significance of enhancing air connectivity by encouraging airlines to establish direct flights or establish connections via intermediate countries.

The leaders are pleased to announce the establishment of the Vietnam-Bangladesh Friendship Parliamentarians’ Group and the Bangladesh-Vietnam Friendship Parliamentarians’ Group. These groups aim to promote increased dialogue and knowledge exchange among parliamentarians from Vietnam and Bangladesh.

The Chairman of the National Assembly, Mr. Hue, has made a proposal to the government of Bangladesh. He suggests that Bangladesh extends its full support to the Vietnamese population residing in the country. These Vietnamese individuals are acting as goodwill ambassadors, fostering friendly relations between the two nations.

Both the host and the guest have reaffirmed their commitment to collaborating closely on global and regional matters of mutual interest. They have expressed their intent to continue their collaboration at international platforms, particularly the United Nations and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) led mechanisms.

It was observed that both Vietnam and Bangladesh are current members of the United Nations Human Rights Council for the tenure spanning from 2023 to 2025. This membership provides a valuable platform to exchange perspectives and enhance collaboration on matters of shared concern, such as climate change and human rights.

After the discussions concluded, both legislative bodies sealed their collaboration with a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). Additionally, they observed the signing of another MoU, this time regarding cooperation between their respective legislature offices.

Hue gracefully extended an invitation to the host, inviting them to visit Vietnam at their convenience. The host warmly accepted the invitation.

Chairman Hue is currently visiting Bangladesh from September 21-23 in celebration of the 50th anniversary of bilateral diplomatic ties between both nations.

Vietnam President Praises Laos for Its Contributions to National Progress

President Vo Van Thuong expressed his gratitude for the unwavering support and assistance from the Lao Party, State, and people throughout Vietnam’s development. This was conveyed during a reception on September 21, when the outgoing Lao Ambassador to Vietnam, Sengphet Houngboungnuang, was received.

The speaker emphasized the exceptional bond of friendship, unwavering solidarity, and comprehensive collaboration between Vietnam and Laos in recent years. This strong alliance has continually strengthened and produced tangible outcomes across all areas. Close communication and cooperation between the two nations’ authorities and regions have become a regular practice.

The successful implementation of bilateral cooperation agreements has led to positive outcomes in economic and trade relations. Additionally, collaboration in areas such as theoretical research, training, national defense, and security has greatly advanced. Both parties have also shown their commitment to assisting each other in addressing global and regional issues.

According to the Vietnam News Agency (VNA), the host leader commended the ambassador for successfully carrying out his designated responsibilities and making significant contributions towards strengthening the profound friendship, special solidarity, and comprehensive cooperation between Vietnam and Laos.

President Vo Van Thuong (R) and Lao Ambassador to Vietnam Sengphet Houngboungnuang (Photo: VNA)
President Vo Van Thuong (R) and Lao Ambassador to Vietnam Sengphet Houngboungnuang (Photo: VNA)

It is hoped that, in their new capacity, the diplomat will further enhance the bonds of friendship and the enduring special relationship between Vietnam and Laos.

Houngboungnuang offered his congratulations to Vietnam for the recent advancements made in their diplomatic relationships with various nations, notably the United States. This development signifies Vietnam’s growing international influence and role on the global stage.

He expressed confidence that Vietnam will successfully implement the Resolution passed by the 13th National Party Congress and accomplish its objective of transforming into a developed, high-income nation by 2045.

The guest expressed his gratitude towards the Vietnamese authorities for their invaluable support in assisting him to successfully carry out his duties during his tenure. Additionally, he made a commitment to continuously foster and strengthen the bilateral relationship in any future endeavors.

Vietnam and US Convene for Annual Defense Policy Dialogue

Deputy Minister of National Defense, Senior Lieutenant General Hoang Xuan Chien, and United States Assistant Secretary of Defense, Dr. Ely Ratner, recently co-hosted the annual Vietnam – US Defense Policy Dialogue in Washington, D.C.

Deputy Minister Chien and Assistant Secretary Ratner expressed their satisfaction with the strong defense cooperation that has taken place between the two countries in the past year. They noted that collaboration in post-war recovery efforts has remained a cornerstone and a positive aspect of bilateral relations, which has contributed to the growth of trust and mutual understanding between both sides.

Deputy Minister Chien expressed gratitude to the United States for its generous increase in non-refundable aid, allocated specifically for the crucial dioxin soil decontamination project at the Bien Hoa Air Base. This additional funding of US$300 million, up from the initial US$183 million, is an invaluable resource that will significantly contribute to the successful completion of the first phase of the project.

In light of the ongoing commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the Vietnam Office for Seeking Missing Persons and the 35th anniversary of joint MIA activities, the Vietnamese side reaffirms its commitment to provide favorable circumstances for the search of US soldiers missing in action (MIA). Deputy Minister Chien expressed this determination, highlighting the Vietnamese government’s dedication to this important cause.

At the Vietnam - US defense dialogue. (Photo:
At the Vietnam – US defense dialogue. (Photo:

During the event, both parties emphasized the significant role of Vietnam and the US in the ASEAN Defense Ministers’ Meeting Plus (ADMM+) cooperation framework. They reached an agreement to sustain effective defense collaboration in areas such as delegation exchanges at all levels, cyber security, defense industry, UN peacekeeping activities, and mutual support in regional and multilateral forums, particularly ADMM+. These efforts aim to contribute to the attainment of regional and global peace, stability, and development.

The Deputy Minister of [country name] proposed that, in light of the ongoing collaboration between our two nations in addressing the aftermath of the war, it would be advisable to thoroughly explore the possibility of signing a Memorandum of Understanding in the relevant field. This suggestion is in line with the joint statement signaling the elevation of our bilateral relationship to a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership focused on peace, cooperation, and sustainable development.

According to VOV, the individual proceeded to make a plea for increased assistance from the United States to support the dioxin detoxification project at the Bien Hoa Air Base in Vietnam. The project requires an additional funding of approximately USD 150 million to USD 200 million.

Assistant Secretary Ratner announced his intention to engage in discussions with the US Congress in order to secure additional support for the project.

Deputy Minister Chien and Assistant Secretary Ratner expressed their appreciation for the role and position of ASEAN, along with ASEAN-led mechanisms, in addressing international issues of common interest. They further highlighted the significance of guaranteeing freedom, security, and safety of navigation and overflight in the East Sea.

Vietnam maintains a steadfast external policy rooted in principles of independence, self-reliance, peace, friendship, multilateralism, and diversification. Furthermore, it adheres to a “Four Nos” defense policy. Deputy Minister Chien emphasized that Vietnam advocates for the peaceful resolution of disputes in the East Sea, in accordance with international law, including the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) of 1982.

Vietnamese Peacekeepers Offer Educational Resources to African Children

Vietnam’s peacekeeping force in Abyei is actively involved in various initiatives to improve the education infrastructure. They are building schools, drilling wells, and donating school supplies to benefit hundreds of students.

Representatives from the Vietnamese peacekeeping force stationed at UNISFA (United Nations Interim Security Force for Abyei) recently conducted a field visit to schools in the Abyei area. Accompanied by a representative from the Ministry of Education and Construction, Nyinkwany Aguer Bol, the purpose of the visit was to gather information and assess the current state of local schools. This initiative is part of a larger plan to enhance and develop educational facilities in the region.

There are approximately ten schools in the surrounding area. The school with the smallest student population consists of 200 students and is situated 20 kilometers away from the center of Abyei. Access to this school is challenging due to the rough nature of the road leading to it. On the other hand, the largest school in the area boasts nearly 3,000 students and is the result of a merger between seven individual schools.

The schools have a modest number of teachers, with the majority being volunteers from other African countries.

The schools in our area are facing significant challenges when it comes to their facilities. There is a severe shortage of classrooms, cafeterias, and toilets, resulting in inadequate infrastructure for our students. Shockingly, some schools have an overwhelming number of students but fewer than 15 classrooms available. This means that each classroom is forced to accommodate a staggering 100-150 students, as reported by VNN. Urgent action is needed to address these issues and provide our students with the resources they need for a quality education.

Photo: VNN
Photo: VNN

The Vietnam Army Corps of Engineers has undertaken various initiatives to support educational infrastructure development. These endeavors include the construction of classrooms, teachers’ rooms, and cafeterias, as well as the installation of clean water supply pipes and drilling of wells. Furthermore, the Corps has played an integral role in the establishment of roads and the provision of essential educational resources, such as tables, chairs, notebooks, and pens, to schools in need.

In conclusion of their fieldwork, the Vietnamese mission convened a meeting with the Ministry of Education and Construction to explore potential solutions for the renovation and enhancement of infrastructure conditions and educational resources.

Considering that the construction undertaking falls outside the Vietnamese mission’s purview, it is essential to meticulously organize resources and prioritize security measures throughout the project. The successful execution of this venture is contingent upon the cooperation and assistance of the pertinent local authorities.

Captain Phung The Khanh, the Civil and Military Coordination Officer of Engineer Team No. 2, stated that alongside their professional duties, the Vietnamese team is committed to providing support to the local community as part of their ongoing and long-term commitment.

The Vietnamese peacekeeping force visited a nursery school located at the Abyei Church on September 16th, to provide care and education for 200 orphan children. As part of their visit, the force organized a delightful cartoon screening and distributed sweets to the children, creating a moment of joy and happiness for everyone involved.

Vietnamese blue-beret soldiers arrived at the location in the early morning, bringing screening equipment such as televisions, computers, and broadcast players, in order to set up a makeshift cinema within the school. At the same time, female soldiers took charge of organizing seating arrangements and guided the children in watching films and participating in singing English songs.

Kindergarten principal Catherine extends her gratitude towards the Vietnamese soldiers for their commendable efforts in aiding Abyei and the school. The enforced absence of television has presented a wonderful opportunity for the children to explore and uncover novel experiences.

IFC Estimates: Vietnam to Receive US$757 Billion in Climate Investment Opportunities by 2030

According to Allen Forlemu, Regional Director for the Asia-Pacific Financial Institutions Group at the International Finance Corporation (IFC), Vietnam’s climate investment opportunities are expected to reach an impressive 757 billion USD by 2030. The focus will be on various sectors including renewable energy, green construction, energy efficiency, and transportation.

At a seminar co-hosted by the IFC and the State Bank of Vietnam (SBV) in Hanoi on September 21, Forlemu emphasized the crucial need for banks to change their operations and transition towards sustainability, according to VNA.

At the seminar co-hosted by the IFC and the State Bank of Vietnam (Photo: VNA)
At the seminar co-hosted by the IFC and the State Bank of Vietnam (Photo: VNA)

According to the World Bank Group, climate change response is at the forefront of their strategic approach. The International Finance Corporation (IFC) collaborates with financial institutions, banks, businesses, and other development partners to provide funding for crucial investments in climate change adaptation and mitigation. These significant financial endeavors contribute towards fostering a more sustainable global economy in response to the challenges posed by climate change.

At the event, delegates exchanged global insights on how to enhance support for the transition towards greener banking practices, with a special emphasis on the significance and potential for Vietnam.

Deputy Governor Pham Thanh Ha of the State Bank of Vietnam (SBV) emphasizes the Vietnamese Government’s commitment towards sustainable green growth. Notably, this commitment is reflected in various policies, strategies, and plans, including the Vietnam Green Growth Strategy (VGGS), related action plans, the National Determined Contributions (NDCs), and Vietnam’s Sustainable Development Goals (VSDGs). These initiatives are instrumental in paving the way for a sustainable future in Vietnam.

In order to successfully meet the new climate objectives, it is imperative for Vietnam to prioritize the development of green infrastructure in various sectors, including but not limited to green energy, green transportation, energy efficiency, and green construction. Additionally, a necessary shift from heavy and polluting industries to a low-carbon and sustainable emissions framework is crucial. However, this transformation is not without its difficulties, primarily due to the existing scarcity of long-term funding options.

Rosie Nguyen
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