The Tien Giang provincial government is set to organize a fruit festival in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

This vibrant festival will offer a plethora of activities, including insightful seminars and conferences, aimed at promoting the region’s specialty fruits and fruit-based products. One seminar will focus on enhancing the capability and skills of fruit vendors, teaching them how to effectively utilize e-commerce platforms and live streaming to boost their sales. Another important discussion will revolve around constructing a sustainable durian supply chain, ensuring its presence in the international market.

The festival will also showcase the beauty of Tien Giang and Vietnam through a conference promoting orchard tours and the unveiling of a digital tourism map of tropical fruit gardens in the province. Participants will be treated to a delightful street food experience and can showcase their culinary skills in a fruit dish contest.

With dedicated areas for fruit, fruit-based product displays, and the OCOD initiative, the event will celebrate the diversity and quality of Vietnamese fruits. It aims to build strong Vietnamese fruit brands, foster socio-economic development, and educate consumers about the safety, quality, origin, and nutritional benefits of the region’s produce.

A captivating artistic rendition of the Tien Giang Fruit Festival 2024

Luu Van Phi, Director of the Tien Giang Department of Industry and Trade, emphasized that the fruit festival is designed to introduce not just Tien Giang’s specialty fruits but also those of the Mekong Delta and Vietnam as a whole. This festival will be a significant step towards promoting and selling these fruits, ultimately contributing to the socio-economic progress of the province, region, and country.

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