The ASEAN Festival, a vibrant cultural event, was organized by the ASEAN Committee in Stockholm (ACS) in collaboration with the embassies of six ASEAN countries: Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam. This festival was a wonderful opportunity to showcase the diversity and richness of ASEAN culture and strengthen diplomatic relations.

The event was honored to host President of the Stockholm City Council Olle Burell, foreign diplomatic representatives in Sweden, and members of the local ASEAN community. The festival also attracted a large number of local residents, especially as it coincided with the lead-up to the much-loved Midsummer Festival, a highlight of the Swedish calendar.

Among the participating countries, Vietnam promoted its advancements in science, technology, renewable energy, logistics, high-tech agriculture, aquaculture, tourism, and services. This was a great platform to introduce Vietnam to the Swedish people and international visitors, fostering a deeper understanding of the country and its people and celebrating 55 years of diplomatic relations between Vietnam and Sweden.

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