Opening of Specialized Hospital in Ho Chi Minh City Focused on Acute Respiratory Disease

An acute respiratory disease hospital dedicated to nCoV prevention has come into operation in Cu Chi district, Ho Chi Minh City.


The first of its kind in Ho Chi Minh City, the 300-bed acute respiratory disease hospital is located at a military school in Ben Dinh ward, Nhuan Duc commune, Cu Chi district. Officers from the Infantry Battalion 1 – Gia Dinh regiment have been diligently preparing the hospital by cleaning and arranging beds and equipment suitable for treatment and quarantine, as well as thoroughly disinfecting the surrounding area.

The hospital is thoughtfully divided into six zones to efficiently track suspected cases and provide treatment for individuals infected with the 2019-nCoV virus.

Medical staff from the Hospital for Tropical Diseases will lead the treatment efforts, with support from doctors and nurses from Cu Chi District Hospital.

The acute respiratory disease hospital has been tasked with admitting both suspected and confirmed cases, placing individuals showing symptoms in quarantine and providing treatment at the field hospital. Additional personnel from other hospitals will be assigned by Ho Chi Minh City’s Health Department upon request.

To further combat the nCoV-2019 epidemic in Ho Chi Minh City, another acute respiratory disease hospital with a capacity of over 200 beds is currently under construction.