German Press Heralds Vietnam as Southeast Asia’s Newest Tourism Destination

Vietnam has seen a remarkable recovery in its tourism industry as the pandemic eases, with German news site DW noting the country as a popular destination for travelers to Asia.


According to Tommy Walker, a staff writer for the news website DW, Vietnam has rapidly emerged as one of the top tourist destinations in Southeast Asia. This is largely due to the country’s captivating landscapes, beautiful beaches, breathtaking mountainous rice terraces, and vibrant cities.

Hanoi’s romantic beauty in fall.Photo: Vinh Nguyen

According to a report published by Google Destination Insights, Vietnam ranked as the seventh most searched destination between the months of March and June. It is noteworthy that Vietnam was the only country in Southeast Asia to have made it into the top 20 list.

According to data from the Vietnam National Administration of Tourism, the popularity of Vietnam can be evidenced by the significant number of international arrivals. Tommy stated this fact.

Based on the latest statistics, the country has welcomed an impressive number of over 5.5 million foreign visitors during the first half of 2023. This surpasses the overall count of international arrivals recorded in 2022.

Foreign Tourists on the Rise

According to Vietnam’s tourism sector, it has set a goal of attracting eight million visitors for the remainder of 2023. However, the country now anticipates that the number will increase to 10 million.

Bobby Nguyen, Chairman of the Rustic Hospitality Group, a prominent travel agency, stated in an interview with DW that the increase in tourist numbers is primarily attributed to Chinese, Indian, and Korean visitors.

China has recently reopened its outbound market to Vietnam, and the Indian market has witnessed significant growth since 2022.

According to Nguyen, the utilization of social media platforms and the impact of prominent travel organizations have significantly contributed to the enhancement of Vietnam’s global appeal.

According to him, creating numerous online communication channels, such as Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, as well as utilizing promotional channels on Google and other networking platforms, is the most efficient method of promoting Vietnam’s image globally.

 A corner of Hanoi’s Old Quarter Area. Photo: Huy Pham

New Visa Policy: A Boost for Growth

According to the Ministry of Public Security, a new visa policy will be implemented on August 15th with the aim of revitalizing the tourism and hospitality industries. Under this policy, individuals holding Vietnamese e-visas will be able to enter and exit the country unlimited times within a 90-day period, instead of the previous 30-day limit. Additionally, citizens of select countries will have an extended stay allowance of 45 days, compared to the previous limit of 15 days. This new policy is expected to contribute to the growth of tourism and enhance the experience for visitors to Vietnam.

According to Hoang Nhan Chinh, the secretary of the Vietnam Tourism Advisory Board, the implementation of the new visa policy is expected to significantly contribute to Vietnam’s tourism sector. Chinh expressed optimism that this policy will help Vietnam surpass its target of attracting 12 million foreign tourists this year.

According to Gary Bowerman, a tourism analyst located in Kuala Lumpur, the recent visa changes implemented in Vietnam are set to greatly benefit the country’s tourism industry.

“We anticipate a significant increase in travelers to Vietnam over the next six months, as the tourism industry continues to grow. This growth is particularly influenced by the return of the Chinese market,” stated the speaker with optimism.”

According to Bowerman, Vietnam stands out as a hidden gem of a destination, offering a unique blend of tourism and business opportunities.

A growing number of younger individuals are showing a keen interest in learning about Vietnam, a country that remains relatively unknown compared to its more well-known neighbor, Thailand. Vietnam offers a captivating sense of discovery and mystique, attracting not only travelers but also investors and business enthusiasts.

 The pedestrian streets around Hoan Kiem Lake. Photo: Vinh Pham 

The tourism industry has long been a significant contributor to global GDP, with millions of people traveling each year for various reasons. However, there is a growing need for new sources of tourism to sustain the industry’s growth.

An opportunity has emerged for a new source tourism market, which has the potential to bring in large numbers of visitors and boost local economies. This market could include undiscovered destinations, unique cultural experiences, or innovative tourism products.

By capitalizing on this opportunity, stakeholders in the tourism industry can diversify their offerings and attract a new segment of travelers. This not only benefits the industry itself but also creates employment opportunities and generates revenue for the local communities.

It is crucial for industry players to invest in research, development, and infrastructure to tap into this new source tourism market effectively. This includes building necessary accommodations, transportation, and attractions that cater to the specific demands and interests of this market.

In conclusion, the emergence of a new source tourism market presents a promising opportunity for the tourism industry. By seizing this opportunity, stakeholders can drive growth, economic development, and innovation while offering unique and memorable experiences to travelers.

According to DW, travel companies in Vietnam are excited about the new visa policy and the prospects of attracting more international arrivals.

Max Lambert, owner of Fuse Hostels & Travel, expressed anticipation for the upcoming developments, as he stated to the German news site.

Fuse has recently launched two hostels in the renowned tourist destination of Hoi An Ancient Town in Quang Nam province. Despite the challenges posed by the pandemic, Lambert, the owner of Fuse, is optimistic about the current performance of his business, which is fast approaching pre-pandemic levels.

In agreement with this viewpoint, Santiago Cabré, the General Manager of Meliá Hanoi, expressed to The Hanoi Times that the new visa policy is a prudent step towards boosting tourist arrivals and providing much-needed support to the travel sector.

According to him, we strongly believe that the implementation of an open visa policy will effectively facilitate international arrivals and significantly enhance the competitiveness of the Vietnamese tourism industry in the forthcoming months.

“After the policy is implemented, it will be the responsibility of the tourism sector and authorities to effectively promote the new policy to the global community using diverse communication channels,” he emphasized.

The local tourism industry anticipates that the newly implemented visa policy will play a crucial role in attracting a greater number of potential markets. Particularly, countries such as India are expected to emerge as Vietnam’s second-largest international tourism market.

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