Hanoi has many famous pho restaurants with a reasonable prices for the most enthusiastic foodies around the world. There are many places whose names have been familiar with Hanoians such as Bat Dan and Pho Suong.
For a very long time, pho has been a famous dish in Hanoi, with a lot of variations. From chicken pho to beef noodles, tourists can find their favorite pho with prices ranging from VND30,000 (US$1.31) to VND70,000 (US$3.07).
Below is the list of top five pho restaurants in Hanoi that tourists should put in their bucket list.
1. Pho Suong
Photo: Hoidulich |
When talking about the most authentic and famous Pho restaurant in Hanoi that has had a long history, Pho Suong can easily win first place. With more than 30 years of experience, this restaurant is the most recognizable for its traditional Hanoi-style broth with a sweet taste, and the beef is tender, fragrant, and delicious.
The price is higher than other restaurants for its quality and comfortable space but still attracts many tourists coming here every day. One bowl of beef noodle soup costs about VND60,000 (US$2.64).
2. Pho Bat Dan
Photo: Halotravel |
Pho Bat Dan is one of the oldest restaurants, with 100 years of experience, and located on 49 Bat Dan and is always crowded. People enjoy coming here to dine because the restaurant brings an old taste of Hanoi Pho with a light and sweet taste of the broth.
One bowl of pho here costs about VND50,000 (US$2.21), the beef is tender and fragrant, and the noodle is soft, delicious, and thick that satisfies the pickiest foodies. Having walked all day night under the warm sunlight with a little bit cold of Hanoi weather, it could not be more perfect than to sit down and enjoy the steamy heat from the pho bowl of Pho Ban Dan.
Opening every day from 6-10.00 a.m. and 6.00-8.30 p.m., you can arrange your time and pass by this famous brand to catch the traditional flavor at a reasonable price.
3. Lam Beef Noodle
Photo: Toplist |
Located in Hang Vai, this pho restaurant specializes in serving beef noodle soup, especially the best part of beef. The broth is delicious and has lightly sweet, specially seasoned, and the beef is soft and sweet and has a very distinct crunchy taste. One bowl costs about VND45,000 (US$1.98).
This is one of the most recommended restaurants for new tourists and people who want to find the best beef noodle soup in Hanoi.
4. Pho Ly Quoc Su
Photo: Carmen – Lady In Red |
With a fairly high price, Pho Ly Quoc Su is always on the list of must-try restaurants in Hanoi. Pho here follows the traditional recipe and ingredients, the broth gets the natural taste from the different types of bones, and the beef is made tender, thin, and delicious, which is the star of the dish here. The restaurant also serves other dishes such as fried pho for the diners. One bow cost about VND70,000 (US$3.07).
Pho Ly Quoc Su might not be the only option, but it is the best choice for pho. Nothing is more perfect than the lovely taste of Hanoian-style beef noodles.
5. Ly Beo Hang Non-Beef Noodle Restaurant
Photo: Foody |
Fans of beef noodle soup with wine sauce probably are familiar with Ly Beo restaurant which often sells it at night on Hang Non Street.
The style of the restaurant is simple and rustic, with a comfortable and cozy space. With a price only of VND35,000 (US$1.54), a bowl of pho is an excellent choice on a cold rainy day. Come here to enjoy a sip of the fragrant broth and the soft beef slices.
Hue Rice Vermicelli Soup
Hue rice vermicelli soup is a popular dish both in the north and the south of Vietnam. The dish has a typical sweet taste of mam ruoc (a special shrimp paste in the south), the aroma of lemongrass and the peppery flavour of stewed dried chilli. Rice vermicelli threads used for the dish must be white, soft and big.