The Capital Connection: Hanoi and Caracas Strengthen Their Bonds

The Hanoi People's Committee Chairman affirmed that the city would actively collaborate with relevant authorities to foster and strengthen the existing twin-city relationship.


Hanoi has reaffirmed its commitment to supporting the Venezuelan Embassy’s activities in the Vietnamese capital, especially those commemorating the 35th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the two nations, as reported by The Hanoi Times.

This sentiment was echoed during a meeting on May 27 between Tran Sy Thanh, Chairman of the Hanoi People’s Committee, and Juan Carlos Fernandes Juarez, Venezuela’s Ambassador to Vietnam.

Ambassador Juan Carlos Fernandes Juárez believes that this symbolic gesture will elevate the Vietnam-Venezuela and Hanoi-Caracas relationships to new heights.

Discussing cultural exchange initiatives, the Venezuelan Ambassador expressed his desire to restore a Venezuelan ceramic tile mural in a suitable location in Hanoi.

He emphasized the significance of 2024, marking 35 years of diplomatic ties between the nations and 17 years of their comprehensive partnership.

Chairman of the Hanoi People’s Committee, Tran Sy Thanh (R), and Venezuela’s Ambassador to Vietnam, Juan Carlos Fernandes Juarez. Photo: The Hanoi Times

The Ambassador reflected on the Vietnam-Venezuela relationship and the potential for future developments that will positively impact both nations.

Additionally, he proposed joint cultural events for 2024, such as “Vietnam Day in Venezuela,” “Venezuela Culture Week in Vietnam,” and the “Rice Festival in Venezuela,” to strengthen the bond between the two peoples.

Echoing the Ambassador’s suggestions, Chairman Tran Sy Thanh affirmed Vietnam’s appreciation for its traditional and excellent diplomatic relations with Venezuela.

Thanh emphasized Hanoi’s unwavering support for the Venezuelan Embassy’s activities, especially those celebrating 35 years of bilateral diplomatic ties.

Regarding the sister city relationship between the two capitals, Thanh stated that Hanoi would collaborate with relevant agencies to promote this initiative and requested the Venezuelan Embassy to facilitate discussions with Caracas authorities, aiming for a timely signing to strengthen bilateral relations.

He assured that Hanoi’s leaders would assign relevant departments and localities to work directly with the Embassy to discuss cooperation details.

On the proposed project to restore space for the Venezuelan ceramic tile mural in Hanoi, Thanh acknowledged its importance and stated that the city authorities would assign functional agencies to research and survey suitable locations, aligning with the overall planning of the Ceramic Road.

The Vietnamese Embassy in Venezuela and Santa Maria University held a Vietnamese Day event in Caracas in January 2024. Photo courtesy of the Vietnamese Embassy in Venezuela

2024 also marks the 60th anniversary of the Nguyen Van Troi operation, a historic event symbolizing the solidarity and support between the two nations and the leftist and progressive forces in Latin America for Vietnam’s national liberation and reunification.

Given the strong foundation of cooperation, Chairman Thanh expressed confidence in Ambassador Juárez’s ability to foster collaboration between Hanoi and the Venezuelan Embassy, taking their bilateral relations to new heights.

The comprehensive partnership between the two countries has been strengthened through Party diplomacy, State diplomacy, and people-to-people exchanges. Venezuela has hosted high-level Vietnamese delegations, including Deputy Prime Minister Tran Luu Quang’s visit in April 2024, during which five cooperation documents were signed in the presence of President Maduro Moros.

Hannah Nguyen
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