Discover dreamy and pristine Ta Pa Lake in An Giang’s Ta Pa Mountain

Travelling deep into Ta Pa Mountain, you will get lost in a fairytale like world with stunning emerald coloured-lake, the heart of the mountain that can be considered a must-visit destination for adventurous travelers.


The turquoise lake can be found in Ta Pa mount in Nui To commune of Tri Ton district. The mountain is one of seven peaks under the That Son mountain range in An Giang and is located only a few kilometers away from Tri Ton town.

A notable feature of the lake is the rocky mountains and green trees which surround it.

Visitors to the lake are always keen on making the most of the opportunity to take beautiful photos. The best time in which to savour the scenic views of the lake is either early in the morning or late in the afternoon.

Photo: Vietnamnet
Photo: Vietnamnet

Ta Pa Mountain’s mountain ranges and cliffs in particular resemble castle walls which may be a little strange looking but definitely beautiful. Rock pillars which have a rough surface and different sizes and shapes highlight the whole structure.

On top of Ta Pa Mountain is a lake which is frequently visited because of its amazing emerald green colour. It is a by-product of a mining company which used to operate in the area, but it has become a popular destination because of its acquired beauty and naturally breathtaking surroundings. The bottom is a myriad of colours of light blue, black, dark orange and light yellow which appear like a rainbow especially when the sun is shining brightly and the sky is a clear blue.

A notable feature of the lake is the rocky mountains and green trees which surround it. (Photo: Vietnamnet)
A notable feature of the lake is the rocky mountains and green trees which surround it. (Photo: Vietnamnet)

At the foot of Ta Pa Mountain is Tri Ton, striking in its lush rice fields, dense palm trees and other naturally beautiful things characteristic of a countryside scene. The harvest season is an especially festive view in which the rice fields appear golden amid the bright green palm trees. In fact, it’s like a harvest season all throughout the year because the rice grains have a micro-climate variation, therefore becoming ripe at different times. Moreover, they grow in different hues of green and yellow, creating a bright and colourful scene all over.

Food at Tri Ton is a pleasant experience because there are both small diners and high-end restaurants, depending on your preference. But it is best to taste the street foods for an authentic experience. All in all, food is delectable and especially cheap.

The region is home to two small lakes (Photo: Vietnamnet)
The region is home to two small lakes (Photo: Vietnamnet)

The road to Tri Ton may be quite challenging because of bumpy roads, construction, traffic and unpredictable weather, but the trip is all worth it because of the indescribable beauty of the whole place once you arrive. Tri Ton is another proof that Vietnam is truly rich in natural beauty, a world-class standard that’s a definite must-visit.

Photo: Vietnamnet
Photo: Vietnamnet

From Tri Ton market, visitors can take a motorbike to Ta Pa pagoda or go through some of the slopping and winding roads towards the lake.

From the peak of Ta Pa mountain, visitors are able to savour some of the scenic views of the paddy fields in Tri Ton district.

Photo: Vietnamnet
A group of young people in the area go camping overnight. Visitors are encouraged to protect the environment by not throwing rubbish to the surrounding area. (Photo: Vietnamnet)

Attractions in An Giang

Photo: Viet Fun Travel
Photo: Viet Fun Travel

Long Xuyen Floating Market: Referring to Western tourism, everyone will immediately think about the image of floating markets. Long Xuyen floating market meets from around 5am until about 2 and 3pm daily. Every morning, there are hundreds of boats on the Hau River that gather close to the river to start buying and selling activities on the river with interesting interest.

The price of renting a boat to go around the floating market is quite cheap with a range of 200,000 VND / 2-way for 2 people for the exploration trip about 2 hours. Unlike other famous floating markets in Tien Giang or Can Tho. This floating market still maintains the lifestyle of a typical floating market in the West but has not too commercialized.

Bung Binh Thien: Coming to Bung Binh Thien is one of the largest freshwater lakes of the Southwest. It’s located near the Cambodia border, connecting with Binh Di River (An Phu, An Giang). Bung has a length of about 500 m, a width of 3,000 m, so the time for the passenger boat to visit a round is about 40 minutes with the price of 150,000 – 300,000 VND for a visit.

During the floating season, on the journey of floating on the river, you will also have the opportunity to participate in two activities where this is the fishing net and the collection of crazy flowers.

Vinh Te Mountain: Following An Giang travel guide Mount Vinh Te (Sam mountain), set by King Minh Mang to record the merits of Mr. Thoai Ngoc Hau, had the merit of digging Vinh Te canal. This mountain is far from the city center. Chau Doc is about 5km west along Highway 91.

On Vinh Te mountain there are many Poinciana and during summers time. You will have chance to see the whole mountain is dyed red. Located on Vinh Te Mountain to the north, Phuoc Dien Pagoda (Hang Pagoda) is an ancient temple.

In addition, the mountain is also the place where the Ba Chua Xu temple is recognized as a national historical relic and the mausoleum of Ong Thoai Ngoc Hau and Tay An pagoda.

Oc Eo Relic: Coming to Oc Eo relic area of Sap-Ba The mountain area, Thoai Son district, An Giang province. This ancient and most famous monument in An Giang attracts many collectors, archaeologists to study. Also attract a lots of visitors to study the relics and traces of a development period. brilliant of An Giang and Mekong Delta lands.

The site has an area of more than 4,500ha which contains vivid material evidence. Such as the re-emergence of a prosperous life, with the unique culture of the people here.

Sap Mountain Tourist Area: Mount Sap is located in Thoai Son district, An Giang province, about 26km from Long Xuyen city. In the past, Sap mountain was located on the green paddy fields, but over time, the mountain was transformed into colorful and mysterious shapes.

Tourists come here to enjoy boating to enjoy the majestic scenery of high mountains, deep caves, deep blue lakes with swarms of swimmers, extremely charming scenery.