With a shared passion for preserving the Red Dao ethnic group’s traditional medicinal practices, local authorities and village chiefs have encouraged aspiring youth to establish a community in 2023, dedicated to this very purpose.

This newly formed community, consisting of 35 dedicated members, has been tasked with not only preserving and developing the Red Dao people’s traditional remedies but also researching and innovating for commercial use, thus bringing these ancient practices to a wider audience.

Since its inception, the community members have embarked on a quest to discover and gather precious medicinal plants hidden within the depths of the forests, a testament to their dedication and enthusiasm.

United in their mission, the community members convene every month to review their progress and discuss future plans, ensuring a consistent and dedicated approach to their work.

During these monthly gatherings, village chiefs impart ancient wisdom by sharing knowledge of precious medicinal plants and time-honored remedies passed down through generations, as recorded in old books.

The Red Dao ethnic group’s traditional remedies, preserved in their original form, stand as a testament to the community’s dedication to upholding their rich cultural heritage.

Embracing modern tools, the community utilizes social media to share information about their activities, fostering a sense of connection and collaboration among members.

Ban Duc Thang, the head of the Phan Thanh communal administration, expresses the local authorities’ commitment to supporting the community. They plan to seek consultations and prepare a dossier for submission to authorized agencies, aiming to gain recognition for these traditional remedies.

The community members are diligently maintaining and practicing a range of remedies, including herbal tea infusions, treatments for bones and joints, stomach ailments, sinusitis, and allergic rhinitis. Notably, they also specialize in herbal baths for the sick and postpartum women, offering a natural path to healing and wellness.

Encouraging self-sufficiency, community members are urged to cultivate medicinal plants in their own yards. One such plant is Bat Giac Lien, known for its therapeutic properties in treating liver disease, sore throat, tonsils, and its ability to neutralize snakebites.

Local authorities firmly believe that commercializing traditional remedies is a strategic move that will improve the livelihood of the local community, providing them with a sustainable source of income while preserving their cultural heritage.
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