Eight Vietnamese women were discovered near Ha Tien Town on Tuesday midnight by the provincial border force. These women had hired a boat to escape to Vietnam after being warned about a potential resurgence of Covid-19 in Cambodia. The boat also transported two Cambodian men.

Upon arrival at the Ha Tien International Border Gate’s Border Post, the Cambodian men stated that they had been hired to transport the eight Vietnamese women to Kien Giang.

The women explained that they had paid fees ranging from USD120-150 per person to be illegally transported to Cambodia by road. However, due to concerns about Covid-19 in Cambodia, they made the decision to return to Vietnam. For their return trip to Vietnam, they each paid fees of USD100-130.

They admitted that their illegal entry into Vietnam was driven by their desire to avoid paying Covid-19 quarantine fees, as mandated by regulations.

Earlier in August, authorities in An Giang Province detained 41 individuals who had also illegally entered Vietnam from Cambodia. These individuals were living in Siem Reap and Posat provinces in Cambodia, and due to their difficult circumstances, they sought to relocate to Vietnam. None of them possessed proper documentation.

This article was originally published on Dtinews.