Video: Giant rock falls blocking transportatoin in Central Highlands

Dozen of giant rocks suddenly fell from mountain slopes down to the Son Dong roads, disrupting daily transportation and risking passers-by’s lives.


(Video: VTC)

As reported by VTC, consistent rain in the past few days in Kon Plong district, Kon Tum province, Vietnam’s Central Highlands have brought along severe landslides as well as rock falls. A number of big-sized rocks scattered the road, making it almost impossible for vehicles to move out of moving space and safety concerns. Unwanted crash into the rocks might occur in the early morning, late afternoon and night as it’s usually misty at these times of the day.

The Kon Plong District People’s Committee coordinated with the Road Administration Department III.4 had put up warning signs for dangerous landslides and rockfalls, preventing people from approaching the road.

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The road goes misty as night draws in (Photo: VTC)