Standing tall at 1.85 meters, 24-year-old model Tuyen from Nam Dinh province is an epitome of grace and charisma. With his impressive physique, measuring 103-81-101 cm, and a weight of 80 kg, Tuyen commands attention wherever he goes.

Recently, Tuyen, along with the other top five contestants of Mister Vietnam 2024, had the honor of attending the ASEAN International Fashion Week in Singapore. As “ASEAN model ambassadors,” they showcased the exquisite creations of 40 renowned designers from across the globe, including Australia, the United States, Italy, and the Netherlands, among others.

The group was joined by exceptional models from various countries within the ASEAN region, creating a diverse and talented ensemble. Their presence at the fashion week highlighted not only their individual charm but also the cultural diversity and beauty that the ASEAN community embodies.

Mister Supranational, a prestigious male pageant, is currently in its eighth edition. The competition, first held in Poland in December 2016, has gained immense popularity. This year, 40 contestants from different parts of the world will vie for the coveted title, with Vietnam being represented by the talented Dat Kyo.

In 2022, Dat Kyo made history by becoming the first Vietnamese representative to win the Mister Supranational Asia title and secure a Top 10 position at the Mister Supranational pageant. With his success, Dat Kyo inspired a new generation of Vietnamese models and continues to be an ambassador of cultural exchange and male pageant excellence.

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