As part of the “Argentine Week in Hanoi,” the “Argentine Beef and Wine Day” took place on October 12 at the renowned Argentine Chef Emilio Fusé’s restaurant, “Los Fuegos – Argentinian Steak and Grill.”

The event provided a platform for importers, distributors, retailers, hotel and restaurant food and beverage managers, press representatives, as well as meat and wine enthusiasts and selected individuals from Hanoi and the expatriate community to come together.

Importers and distributors of Argentine meat and wine had an excellent opportunity to showcase, promote, and spread awareness about their brands.

Participants had the chance to savor a selection of the finest quality Argentine meat, wine, seafood, and yerba mate.

The companies and institutes that sponsored the promotion of their products are: Argentine Beef Promotion Institute (IPCVA), Azul Natural Beef, Grupo Lequio, Minerva Foods, the “Los Fuegos Argentinian Steak and Grill” Restaurant, Del Plata – Mercado Argentina, Food Source International, Winecellar, Daloc/ WeWine, Les Celliers d’Asie & Red Apron Fine Wines and Spirits, Warehouse, Minh Hiep, The world of wine, Dinh Phong, Matéa.

At the heart of Argentine cuisine is the love for beef. Argentina is renowned for its high-quality grass-fed beef and has a longstanding tradition of “asado.” These legendary gatherings feature mouthwatering cuts of meat, such as beef ribs, sausages, and tender filets, cooked over low fire or hot charcoal grills. The simplicity of Argentine asado allows the natural flavors of the meat to shine.

However, Argentine cuisine extends beyond delectable meats. Argentina is also celebrated for its exceptional wines. The country’s unique terroir, with sunny days, cool nights, and mountainous terrain, provides the perfect conditions for vinifera grapes to flourish.

Argentine wines are renowned for their rich flavors, smooth texture, and robust character. They complement the country’s roasted meats exceptionally well, enhancing the gastronomic experience and elevating flavors to new heights.

The showcased wine labels at the event include: Salentein Portillo Sauvignon Blanc 2022, Salentein Portillo Malbec 2021, Salentein Barrel Selection Cabernet Sauvignon 2021 (Distributed by, Norton and Dona Paula (Distributed by Daloc/ WeWine), Argento and Susalna Balbo (Distributed by Les Celliers d’Asie & Red Apron Fine Wines and Spirits), Hereford and Finca la Escondida Alta vista (Distributed by Warehouse), Eratos Vino Tinto Red Wine, Paper Boat Malbec, Esiloncru Malbec (Distributed by Minh Hiep), Zuccardi Series A Malbec 18 BTL, Zuccardi Series Q Tempranilo 6 BTl (Distributed by The world of wine).

On October 11, the Argentine Embassy, in collaboration with the “Los Fuegos” restaurant and the VTC9 television channel, organized the recording of a TV Show about Argentine gastronomy.

Argentine Chef Emilio Fusé presented a menu of typical Argentine dishes to the Vietnamese audience, along with detailed recipes for gastronomy lovers to recreate easily at home. The menu featured the following dishes: Argentine Asado, Chimichurri Sauce, and Empanadas.

The program will be broadcasted on the VTC9 and SCTV channels on October 25, which also marks the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Argentina and Vietnam.

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