The novel delves into the life of the renowned poet, known as To Nhu (1766-1820), during his time in the northern province of Thai Binh where he resided for a decade.
Vo Ba Cuong, a renowned novelist born in Thai Binh in 1940, has been honored with numerous prestigious literary awards. His latest work showcases his formidable storytelling skills, even in his advanced age, providing readers with a captivating insight into the life of the esteemed poet Nguyen Du and his immense contributions to Vietnamese literature.
Nguyen Du, distinguished as a globally acclaimed figure by UNESCO during its 37th General Assembly in Paris in 2013, is celebrated for his literary masterpiece, “Truyen Kieu” (The Tale of Kieu). Translated into over 20 languages, this timeless classic is revered for its artistic originality, intellectual independence, and embodiment of Vietnamese culture.
Visiting the Hometown of Great Poet Nguyen Du
The special national relic site to commemorate Nguyen Du is currently a favourite destination for visitors as it is the hometown of the celebrated poet who wrote the masterpiece “Truyen Kieu” (the Tale of Kieu). Preceding the 250th anniversary of his birthday (1765-2015), we paid a visit to the Nguyen Du Memorial, a place of great humanitarian, educational and scientific values.