Pet cats and dogs experiencing symptoms such as fever, convulsions, and shortness of breath, swallowing foreign objects, or sustaining injuries need immediate treatment, according to veterinarians.

Vet Ngo Minh Nhut at Bee Pet Clinic in Tan Phu District, Ho Chi Minh City, said that he has treated several pets suffering from injuries caused by motorbike crashes, poisoning, and gastrointestinal hemorrhage.

Countless pets that had eye injuries and experienced miscarriages, hematuria, coma, and hypocalcemia received emergency care at the clinic, he added.

Two months ago, he treated a dog that had a broken pelvis while trying to escape from dog thieves.

“I once treated a malnourished German shepherd abandoned in Long An Province [near Ho Chi Minh City]. The dog, who suffered from serious eczema, was brought to the clinic for treatment by a kind woman,” he recounted.

Veterinarian Bach Ngoc Thuy Tien, who has 10 years of experience and works at Clinic 9B in Vinh Long Province, located in the Mekong Delta, said that besides caring for pets with minor injuries, she has saved many dogs that ate poisoned food and several cats bitten by dogs.

The success of medical care and treatment for pets depends on timely action, promptness, and correct diagnosis, vet Nhut said, adding that pet owners should quickly bring their pets to the hospital if they develop abnormal symptoms.

Vet Tien said that she cares for and treats pets out of her passion and love for these animals.

Veterinary work requires patience and fondness for pets, Nhut said.

A pet cat undergoes a medical checkup at an animal clinic. Photo: TTO

A pet cat undergoes a medical checkup at an animal clinic in Ho Chi Minh City. Photo: Tuoi Tre

Concern for sick pets

Le Thi Hang, a 31-year-old resident of Phu Nhuan District in Ho Chi Minh City, rushed her pet cats to an animal clinic in District 8 for medical treatment.

“As my pet cats exhibited symptoms of skipping meals, diarrhea, and vomiting, I quickly took them to the clinic for a medical check-up. They were diagnosed with aleukocytosis,” she said.

Following the veterinarians’ instructions, she bought medicine to treat the sick cats herself.

She spent about VND50 million (US$2,126) on medical care and treatment for her sick pets at that time.

She recounted that her cat named Bi had previously experienced shortness of breath, so she took it to two animal clinics for treatment.

Bi was diagnosed with congenital tracheal stenosis, so vets advised her to prevent her cat from engaging in physical activities, she shared.

Le Nam, 33, who resides in Thu Duc City in Ho Chi Minh City, said that one morning, his cat skipped a meal and looked sad, so he took photos of the cat and made a video describing its condition to send to a vet in Bien Hoa City in neighboring Dong Nai Province.

“The vet asked me about the cat’s feces, and then told me to bring my cat to the clinic for treatment,” Nam said.

She diagnosed the cat with a viral fever and administered medicine to its body.

Sharing his concern about his dog named Map, also known as Fat in English, Nguyen Minh Tien, a resident of Hoc Mon District in Ho Chi Minh City, said that he rushed his dog to a clinic near his house after the dog skipped a meal and vomited.

Prevention is better than cure

To minimize the risk of animal diseases and accidents, veterinarians advise pet owners to leash their pets and cats in public places and not to let them eat unfamiliar food outside.

Owners should also monitor their pets’ weight and appearance closely.

“Pets, whether in cities or the countryside, should be vaccinated against rabies and infectious diseases. Regular health checks are also essential,” said vet Nhut.

In addition to regularly disinfecting dogs’ and cats’ living spaces, owners should provide their pets with appropriate diets and allow them to sunbathe to reduce the risk of bacterial and fungal infections, as well as digestive diseases, according to Hang.

A dog gets a shot of vaccine. Photo: Yen Trinh / Tuoi Tre

A dog gets a vaccine shot in Ho Chi Minh City. Photo: Yen Trinh / Tuoi Tre

Pleasure in animal care and treatment

All veterinarians are delighted to see dogs and cats recover after their enhanced treatment efforts.

Nhut said that he and all other veterinary doctors and nurses feel happy and satisfied with their efforts to restore ill dogs and cats to normal life.

“Success in treatment motivates veterinarians and increases their love for animals,” Nhut said.

However, veterinarians sometimes face pressure from pet owners, as many believe that when they take their pets to animal clinics, these ill animals will be quickly cured and recover.

However, the recovery of the pets depends on their specific illnesses.

Unfortunately, veterinarians are criticized by their customers when their pets die.

To ensure successful and effective treatment, animal clinics are equipped with modern machines, and veterinarians continuously upgrade their skills.

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