Overview and Love Horoscope for August 11: Astrological Prediction for Zodiac Signs

August 11 Horoscope: The moon in Taurus shares a harsh aspect with the Leo sun this morning, which could make for some big egos and stubborn behavior. People may rub you the wrong way, but try not to let it get the better of you. Watch out for personal insecurities as well, and don't allow other people's actions to affect your self-worth.


Daily Planetary Overview

August 11, 2020 – On a more positive note, the moon forms a trine with Jupiter, which will help lift spirits and reconnect us with our optimism. This aspect also promotes good luck, so even though your ego may be challenged, lean into your gratitude and any opportunity to reap some serious rewards.

overview and love horoscope for august 11 astrological prediction for zodiac signs

Neptune joins the party later, adding a dreamy vibe to the day. On the one hand, you’ll be able to see some real beauty in the world today if you look for it. On the other, there may be some struggles, and you might feel as though you’re not being seen clearly. People may resist or not believe your ideas, dreams, goals, or fantasies, but it’s better to keep moving toward the things that are important to you and follow your heart.

As we roll into the evening, the moon and Pluto form a trine, creating intense emotions that can help to form deep connections with the people we care about. This aspect is also great for research and directing energy toward goals, so be sure to make the most of it! Just remember to tune out the naysayers and haters.

You can also check our weekly horoscope now!

Daily Zodiac Horoscope for August 11


daily and love horoscope for aug 09 astrological prediction zodiac signs

Overview horoscope: Today you could be hit with some exciting news, Aries. This could involve new people or equipment coming onto the scene or an entirely new project or course of action that you’d never have dreamed of. This is likely to be a lucky break for you, as it probably suits your skills and talents nearly perfectly. Make the most of this opportunity. It could make a big difference to you.

Love horoscope: Although perhaps it is passion of a different kind, today’s astral energy means that you will have quite a lot to give in the romance department. There is a more earthy quality that translates your fantasies into reality. It is the fantasies that could bridge the gap and start the healing which needs to take place physically. Have a great day; your partner definitely will!


daily and love horoscope for aug 09 astrological prediction zodiac signs

Overview horoscope: Information that you receive from others and from within your own heart could compel you to participate in some ambitious projects, Taurus. They may be work related, connected with a group, or your own. You’ll find them interesting, challenging, and gratifying. New opportunities to advance and express yourself could open for you. It’s best to move ahead now or they might pass you by.

Love horoscope: It’s one of those interesting seduction scenarios, which may become the catalyst for a friendship to deepen. The astral climate means that you have a great chance to become a little more acquainted with someone on a romantic basis. This could occur in the office environment, right in the middle of the daily routine, where you least expect it, but will also certainly be carried on at home later.


daily and love horoscope for aug 09 astrological prediction zodiac signs

Overview horoscope: You could meet some fascinating people, Gemini, and perhaps learn Earthshaking information that impacts your life. You might consider new lifestyle options. A group, possibly spiritual or metaphysical, could seem attractive. You might consider joining it. Expect some fascinating discussions with a significant other. Books and other publications could prove enlightening.

Love horoscope: Sometimes love blossoms anew in an exotic or tropical environment, and new dimensions to the relationship are suddenly revealed. With today’s planetary energy, love develops in a new direction right at home in your usual environment, and it is all due to a little atmospheric creativity which makes the way for a night of fun and fantasy. Don’t skip on suitable props, as they are vital.


daily and love horoscope for aug 09 astrological prediction zodiac signs

Overview horoscope: Group activities or social events in your neighborhood, if possible, could put you in touch with new and exciting people who eventually become friends, Cancer. Shared goals and interests could give rise to plans for ambitious projects. Whatever enterprises you start today are likely to prove successful if everyone involved pitches in. This evening, enjoy quiet time with your partner.

Love horoscope: You have a reputation for being a little emotionally detached, yet you also have a very earthy sense of passion. This comes to the fore today, when you experience a particularly close and deepening bond with the significant other in your life. The astral alignment means that you have a chance to create a very strong connection that will stabilize the relationship for some time to come.


daily and love horoscope for aug 09 astrological prediction zodiac signs

Overview horoscope: Have you wanted to move in a new direction, Leo? If so, this could be when you get the lead of a lifetime. You might receive unexpected information indicating possible new sources of income to pursue on your own. New opportunities are going to come that could make a big difference in your lifestyle and catapult you to a higher socioeconomic bracket. Make the most of it all.

Love horoscope: Partners are great fun to be with today, especially if you have been experiencing some particularly difficult highs and lows in other areas of your life. The planetary energy means that there is a very attentive and supportive influence between you. It brings you closer together, especially in a deeper caring and sharing way. This will have a powerful healing effect on both of you.


daily and love horoscope for aug 09 astrological prediction zodiac signs

Overview horoscope: Unusual circumstances could arise that change your creative orientation, Virgo. It’s likely that they involve the gathering, sharing, and using information. You may consider some unusual options that involve changing jobs, homes, or other factors important to you. Think carefully first. Enjoy an intimate evening sharing these new developments with someone special.

Love horoscope: With today’s aspect at play, you have an interesting romantic proposition coming your way. Whatever else is going on in your life – and this could be much – it seems that you have the chance to relax in an atmosphere of attentive and warm seduction, with just the right kind of music, candles, food and everything else you could want. All you need to do is enjoy it!


daily and love horoscope for aug 09 astrological prediction zodiac signs

Overview horoscope: Today you could decide to attend a virtual workshop or social event involving people in a spiritual, metaphysical, or intellectual field, Libra. The fascinating talk could lead to your own insights and revelations. You could explore ways to harness your natural healing ability, perhaps through Reiki, massage, or another discipline. You’ll be preoccupied with what you learn today.

Love horoscope: There is an extra special feeling around today which is emphasized by the celestial alignment. This reveals that friendships, and also those relationships that haven’t quite reached the partnership stage but maybe slowly edging in this direction, are treading a fine and quite delicious line. How far you step over this is entirely up to you. At least you will have the chance to deepen significant connections.


daily and love horoscope for aug 09 astrological prediction zodiac signs

Overview horoscope: New information could come at you from all sides today, Scorpio. Books, magazines, TV, the Internet, and conversations are likely to bring exciting knowledge your way that reinforces some of your convictions. Your intuitive abilities are strong, too. Insights could blend well with what you learn from others. Write down your thoughts. You’ll want to put them to work for you later.

Love horoscope: With today’s astral energy at play, you may find that things in the romance department seem to be very much connected with business or career issues. There is no hurry. If it’s going to get serious, it will do so at a leisurely pace. You won’t have an opportunity to speed up anything. However, there really is no need to rush, as slow can be just as much fun.


daily and love horoscope for aug 09 astrological prediction zodiac signs

Overview horoscope: Surprising news about your finances and the economy, in general, could cause you to feel confident and secure about your financial future, Sagittarius. An unexpected rise could be on the way, possibly because of sudden changes in the workplace. Some of the information may seem vague and uncertain at first, but later news should clear it up. It seems a celebration is in order!

Love horoscope: Today in the romance and love department, you will probably find that you are not so much relating on the purely physical level, but more on a spiritual and intellectual level. This brings up all kinds of ideas and discussions that bring you closer together, and bond you in ways that are very deep. The planetary energy helps create a very special and unforgettable occasion.


daily and love horoscope for aug 09 astrological prediction zodiac signs

Overview horoscope: Some fascinating new information, possibly spiritual or metaphysical, could come today from periodicals, TV, or the Internet. This could set you on a new course of study, Capricorn. Your insights and revelations could prove valuable in increasing your understanding of what you read. This evening, expect a surprising message from someone you haven’t heard from in a while. Enjoy!

Love horoscope: This day could become very interesting romantically. The alignment of the planets means that there is a way out of all the other tensions and diversions that you experience today. This is, to be honest, a day when passion and deep feelings expressed openly and honestly have a way of relaxing you all over, thus making you feel good about a whole host of other things.


daily and love horoscope for aug 09 astrological prediction zodiac signs

Overview horoscope: Dreams and meditations could lead to insights about how best to handle your finances, Aquarius. Your intuition is very strong. Also, you could receive some surprising ideas from media sources. No matter how outrageous an idea seems, consider it well before deciding. A written plan of action for anything you do would be helpful. You’ll want to keep track of all your ideas.

Love horoscope: Partners are exceptionally warm and attentive today, and so are you for that matter. With the current celestial configuration, there is very little you need to do to be “favorite of the month.” You simply have to be yourself and decide not to criticize others, but flatter instead. There is a great deal of warmth and genuine openness today, which really cements any developing relationship.


daily and love horoscope for aug 09 astrological prediction zodiac signs

Overview horoscope: A small social event or group rally could put you in touch with some new, exciting people in interesting fields, Pisces. You might run into an old friend you haven’t seen in ages. If you aren’t romantically involved, an attractive new person could arrive on the scene. This promises to be an exciting, stimulating day. Don’t be surprised if new doors to a great future open for you.

Love horoscope: Where there is a will there is a way, especially with today’s astral configuration. Talking, smiling sweetly, being charming, and presenting your loved one with a gift you know will put them in the right mood is sure to bring romance back into your life again. If you have any doubts about a waning relationship, then today, with warmth and tenderness, these will be dispelled.