In photo: The vibrant colors of lotus blossom on Hanoi streets

The end of May is the time when the streets of Hanoi are bustling with street vendors carrying a delicate, pure and magical flower, which is the lotus at the beginning of the season.


In photo: The vibrant colors of lotus blossom on Hanoi streets
For Hanoi people, summer is not only the season of red phoenix flowers, purple crape myrtle or golden shower flowers, but also the most brilliant lotus flower season. Photo: TienPhong
In photo: The vibrant colors of lotus blossom on Hanoi streets
In the last days of May, on many alleys and street corners of Hanoi, we can easily see street vendors with all kinds of white lotuses, pink lotuses gently blooming. Photo: TienPhong
In photo: The vibrant colors of lotus blossom on Hanoi streets
On the streets of Hanoi such as Lac Long Quan, Thuy Khue, Hoang Hoa Tham, Nguyen Chi Thanh, and Phan Dinh Phung, bunches of pink lotuses have begun to appear. Photo: TienPhong
In photo: The vibrant colors of lotus blossom on Hanoi streets
The early summer lotus has not yet fully bloomed, still shy, and dew drops remain on the flower. Photo: TienPhong
In photo: The vibrant colors of lotus blossom on Hanoi streets
Loads of flower vendors roaming the streets, one of the special thing in Hanoi. Photo: TienPhong
In photo: The vibrant colors of lotus blossom on Hanoi streets
In the area of Quang Ba flower market, Tay Ho district, lotus flowers also began to be sold. Photo: TienPhong
In photo: The vibrant colors of lotus blossom on Hanoi streets
The image of the lotus flower has long been associated with folk songs, life and people of Vietnam in general, Hanoi people in particular. For every child of the capital, the pure beauty of the lotus flower is one of the indispensable wonderful things when summer comes. Photo: TienPhong
In photo: The vibrant colors of lotus blossom on Hanoi streets
The lotus season usually lasts until the beginning of September, but the most beautiful and fragrant flower period is from the end of May to the second half of June. Photo: TienPhong
In photo: The vibrant colors of lotus blossom on Hanoi streets
Bach Diep lotus has a darker pink color, has many layers of small petals and a mild fragrance. Photo: TienPhong
In photo: The vibrant colors of lotus blossom on Hanoi streets
Photo: TienPhong
In photo: The vibrant colors of lotus blossom on Hanoi streets
In addition to pink lotus, white lotus is also very popular. White lotus is native to India, if taken care of well, the plant can grow to nearly 2 meters, the roots crawl horizontally under the water about 3 meters. Photo: TienPhong
In photo: The vibrant colors of lotus blossom on Hanoi streets
Referring to Hanoi lotus, people often talk about West Lake lotus. But West Lake lotus flowers often bloom late, so at this time, the street vendors usually import lotus flowers from Tu Liem, Thanh Tri, Thuong Tin area. Photo: TienPhong
In photo: The vibrant colors of lotus blossom on Hanoi streets
The lotus flower bud. Photo: TienPhong
In photo: The vibrant colors of lotus blossom on Hanoi streets
Lotus has many uses: Lotus petals are used to decorate dishes, while lotus roots can be used to prepare many delicious dishes. Stamens are dried and used to marinate tea. Lotus seeds can be made milk, or dried as raw materials, medicine. Photo: TienPhong
In photo: The vibrant colors of lotus blossom on Hanoi streets
For tea marinating, lotus at the beginning of the season is the most quintessential gift that heaven and earth have bestowed on the people of this region. Photo: TienPhong
In photo: The vibrant colors of lotus blossom on Hanoi streets
At the beginning of the season, because the lotus has not yet bloomed, the price is quite high, ranging from 50,000 to 80,000 VND (from 2 USD to 3.5 USD) for a bundle of 10 flowers. Photo: TienPhong
In photo: The vibrant colors of lotus blossom on Hanoi streets
Bicycles filled with lotus flowers roam the streets attracting crowds of people. Photo: TienPhong