The mother of the former Chilean leader and adoptive mother of the former head of the Vietnamese state was a remarkable woman who was instrumental in shaping the lives of two prominent figures in world history. Her influence and legacy can still be felt in the countries they led.

Former Chilean President Michelle Bachelet is visiting Vietnam to mark the 52nd anniversary of diplomatic relations between the two nations. Her trip comes as a sign of the strong and enduring bond between the two countries.

Chile is situated over 17,000 kilometers away from Vietnam.

Former Vietnamese State President Nguyen Minh Triet talks with Michelle Bachelet. Photo: Huu Hanh / Tuoi Tre
Former Vietnamese State President Nguyen Minh Triet talks with Michelle Bachelet. Photo: Huu Hanh / Tuoi Tre

A Unique Bond of Friendship

Friendship is one of the most treasured relationships in life. It is a unique bond of trust, loyalty, and understanding between two people. It is an emotional connection that is strong enough to last a lifetime. A special friendship is one that stands the test of time, no matter what life throws at it. It is a bond of unconditional love and support, no matter what. It is a connection that can never be broken.

Special friendships bring out the best in each other. They encourage each other to be their best selves and to reach for their goals. They are there to help each other through the good times and bad, always offering support and comfort. They share secrets, experiences, and laughter, creating a bond that is unlike any other.

Friends who are special to each other are always willing to go the extra mile. They are always there to lend a listening ear or a helping hand. They are the first ones to celebrate successes and to pick each other up when things don’t go as planned. They are always honest and reliable, offering advice and guidance when needed.

The power of a special friendship is undeniable. It is a bond that can never be broken and can bring out the best in both people. It is an incredible gift to have in life and something worth cherishing forever.

The two ex-leaders of the two countries embraced warmly before reminiscing fondly.

Their special friendship was formed in 2005 when former Chilean President Bachelet visited Vietnam to attend the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit week, an event hosted by former Vietnamese State President Triet. This week-long gathering provided a unique opportunity for the two world leaders to form a lasting bond. During this summit, the two heads of state discussed ways to strengthen the diplomatic relations between their respective countries, laying the groundwork for a strong Chilean-Vietnamese partnership. As a result of their efforts, the two countries have continued to collaborate on a number of initiatives and projects, further deepening the friendship between the two nations.

I, along with the leaders of Binh Duong Province, am delighted to welcome former Chilean President Michelle Bachelet and her entourage. We look forward to the opportunity to learn from her experience and insights during her visit.

Former Vietnamese leader praised Chilean President Michelle Bachelet for her strong friendship with the Vietnamese people and for making important contributions to the partnership between the two countries. “Bachelet is a friend of the Vietnamese people. She has made important contributions to the partnership between the two countries,” the former Vietnamese leader stated during a meeting with Bachelet at his house.

I miss Ángela dearly. She is the only mother of two countries’ leaders,” he further remarked.

Listening to former Vietnamese State President Triet retelling stories about their late mother, Bachelet was deeply touched and quickly wiped away her tears.

Bachelet is touched when listening to former Vietnamese State President Nguyen Minh Triet retelling stories about their late mother. Photo: Huu Hanh / Tuoi Tre
Bachelet is touched when listening to former Vietnamese State President Nguyen Minh Triet retelling stories about their late mother. Photo: Huu Hanh / Tuoi Tre

She exclaimed, “I am thrilled and delighted to be back in Vietnam! Every time I come here, I am welcomed with open arms, especially by my ‘older brother’ Nguyen Minh Triet.”

She added that, in the eyes of her generation, Vietnam is a great monument to its fight against powerful empires for independence in the past.

Bachelet and other people of her generation used to demonstrate in opposition to the wars in Vietnam. They marched in the streets, held protests, and created rallies to raise awareness and voice their dissent against the conflict. They also wrote letters to politicians, signed petitions, and engaged in civil disobedience to make their voices heard. Through these acts of peaceful resistance, they sought to raise awareness of the terrible consequences of war and to call for peace and an end to the conflict.

From a war-ravaged country, Vietnam has triumphed over adversity and achieved remarkable progress,” Bachelet said to Triet, commending Vietnam for its remarkable progress.

When the Chilean ambassador to Vietnam invited me to visit the country, I hesitated for a mere 1/1,000th of a second before nodding my agreement. Humorously recalling her decision to return to a nation she loves deeply, Bachelet said, “I love Vietnam a lot.”

Vietnam’s former State President Triet said Chile has endured similar struggles to those faced by Vietnam in the past.

Michelle Bachelet, the former President of Chile, was a victim of the brutal dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet, the 29th President of Chile. During his 17-year rule, hundreds of thousands of people were persecuted, tortured, and killed for their political beliefs and opinions. Bachelet’s father was among the thousands who were arrested, tortured, and eventually died in prison. In response to the horrors of the Pinochet regime, Bachelet and her family were forced to flee Chile and seek refuge in Australia. Despite the pain and suffering that she endured, Bachelet was able to return to Chile and eventually become the President of her country. She served two terms as President, from 2006-2010 and from 2014-2018, and worked tirelessly to restore justice, democracy, and human rights in Chile.

Her mother was an archaeologist and was a staunch defender of human rights. Bachelet’s father died in 1974 after being detained and tortured by Pinochet’s secret police.

Bachelet’s family is steeped in revolutionary traditions. Her father, an army commander, actively fought against the Pinochet dictatorship. Her mother, an archaeologist, was a staunch advocate of human rights. In 1974, Bachelet’s father was detained and tortured by Pinochet’s secret police, and subsequently died.

After her father and older brother tragically passed away, German authorities provided protection for Bachelet and her mother.

Despite enduring a difficult period, Bachelet has treated her friends with great compassion and kindness. We have immense admiration for her.

I also hope that Bachelet will continue to foster closer ties between the two countries,” Triet said.

He humorously remarked that he now feels comfortable enough to call Michelle Bachelet “younger sister,” despite the fact that, prior to this, they used to refer to each other as “State President” and “President” due to their close relationship.

“I miss Ángela a lot. Ángela is the only mother of two countries’ leaders,” former Vietnamese State President Nguyen Minh Triet talks about Ángela Margarita Jeria Gómez, his adoptive mother and the natural mother of the former Chilean leader. Photo: Huu Hanh / Tuoi Tre
‘I miss Ángela a lot. Ángela is the only mother of two countries’ leaders,’ former Vietnamese State President Nguyen Minh Triet talks about Ángela Margarita Jeria Gómez, his adoptive mother and the natural mother of the former Chilean leader. Photo: Huu Hanh / Tuoi Tre

The Caring Mother

No matter where life takes us, there is one thing that will always be a constant in our lives – the unconditional love of a mother. A mother’s love is unlike any other, and it can never be replaced. Her selfless care and devotion to her children is a testament to the magnitude of her love.

A mother’s love can be seen in countless ways. She will always be there when her children need her most, offering words of encouragement and support. She will go out of her way to ensure her children have the best possible opportunities and chances in life. She will always be their teacher, mentor, and confidante, providing guidance and reassurance when times are tough.

A mother’s love is truly something special. It transcends all boundaries and goes beyond any materialistic gain. It is a love that will never waver, no matter how difficult life gets. It is a love that will stand the test of time, and it will always be a reminder of a mother’s unending devotion to her children.

When serving as the Chilean President, Michelle Bachelet often took her mother along on visits to other countries, such as her trip to Vietnam in 2006 for the APEC summit.

At the time, knowing that Ángela had tragically lost her husband and son to the Pinochet dictatorship, former Vietnamese State President Triet extended a comforting gesture to her, telling her that, “In Vietnam, women whose husbands or children have died for the country’s independence and freedom are given the prestigious title of ‘Heroic Vietnamese Mother’, so you, Ángela, deserve to be recognized as such.”

She was delighted to be called Mother and then she evolved into my Mom, far beyond being just a heroic mother.

“Since then, every time I encountered her, I instinctively referred to her as ‘Mom’ due to the strong and affectionate bond we had,” the former Vietnamese leader told Tuoi Tre (Youth) newspaper.

During a visit to Chile in 2009, he reached the house of then-President Michelle Bachelet and her mother, Ángela.

I gave her some bangles as gifts, and she was moved to tears. Some of the bangles were too small to fit around her slender wrists, so I apologized and promised to send her a different set.

On the occasion of the 2010 APEC summit in Singapore, former Vietnamese State President Triet met with former Chilean President Michelle Bachelet and asked her to help him deliver a bangle set to Ángela.

I told Bachelet that I had sent the bangles to my mother.

Bachelet later inquired if I would like to rendezvous with our mother that afternoon. I accepted the proposal, however, the then U.S. President Barack Obama later invited the heads of ASEAN countries to a gathering.

“At the time, Vietnam was the chair of ASEAN, so I had to attend [the party],” Triet recounted.

Understanding it, Bachelet reassured, “No problem. Your mom will surely sympathize with you.”

Former Vietnamese State President Nguyen Minh Triet introduces his garden in Binh Duong Province to Michelle Bachelet on March 30, 2023. Photo: Huu Hanh / Tuoi Tre
Former Vietnamese State President Nguyen Minh Triet introduces his garden in Binh Duong Province to Michelle Bachelet on March 30, 2023. Photo: Huu Hanh / Tuoi Tre

Former State President Triet expressed his gratitude for the close relations between the two countries and between him and Bachelet, noting that they were able to easily reach a consensus on their work.

At a meeting when the two remained in office, Triet suggested that Bachelet recognize Vietnam’s market economy, and she agreed without hesitation.

Bachelet has visited Vietnam a total of five times, beginning in 1977 when she was just 26 years old and a member of the World Federation of Democratic Youth. At the time, she was protesting the war in Vietnam.

She subsequently traveled to Vietnam as the Chilean President and a high-ranking representative of the United Nations.

Michelle Bachelet is a historic figure in Chilean politics. She is the first woman ever to win two presidential elections in the country, achieving this feat in 2006 and 2014. Her victories have been seen as a major step forward for gender equality in the nation.

She always pioneered in ensuring benefits for all residents, particularly women, children, adolescents, and ethnic minority groups, who are the most vulnerable members of society.

In November 2017, when Vietnam hosted the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Summit for the second time, former Chilean President Michelle Bachelet arrived in the country unaccompanied by her mother.

Former Vietnamese State President Nguyen Van Thieu later sent a letter to Ángela Merkel, the Chancellor of Germany.

We hope to extend a warm welcome to you at the APEC Vietnam event, even though you cannot attend. We deeply appreciate your sentiments and those of Michelle Bachelet, and we will never forget the fond memories you have shared with us. We wish you all the best for your health and wellbeing.

The former leader of Vietnam sent Ángela some homemade gifts, including bird’s nests, pomelos, and cashew nuts.

When Ángela tragically passed away during the COVID-19 outbreak, he was filled with sadness, knowing he was unable to travel to Chile.

He asked the Vietnamese Embassy in Chile to lay a wreath to pay tribute to Ángela.

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Former Vietnamese State President Nguyen Minh Triet and former Chilean President Michelle Bachelet cordially met on Thursday in Binh Duong Province, a neighbor of Ho Chi Minh City. During their meeting, the two leaders reminisced about Ángela Margarita Jeria Gómez, the biological mother of Bachelet, and her status as the adoptive mother of Triet.

Former Chilean President Michelle Bachelet is in Vietnam to celebrate the 52nd anniversary of the diplomatic relations between the two countries. Bachelet’s visit is a testament to the strong ties between the two nations and an opportunity to further strengthen their bond.

Chile is situated a whopping 17,000 kilometers away from Vietnam.

Former Vietnamese State President Nguyen Minh Triet talks with Michelle Bachelet. Photo: Huu Hanh / Tuoi Tre
Former Vietnamese State President Nguyen Minh Triet talks with Michelle Bachelet. Photo: Huu Hanh / Tuoi Tre

Unforgettable Bond of Friendship

Do you have someone you can call a great friend? Someone who you can share your thoughts, feelings, and secrets with? If so, you know the value of a special friendship.

Friendship is a bond that can stand the test of time and bring joy, comfort, and support. It is a relationship that is built on mutual understanding, trust, and loyalty. It is the type of relationship in which two people can be themselves and accept each other for who they are.

A true friendship is a two-way street; it requires effort and understanding from both people involved. It is unconditional and based on mutual respect. There are no expectations or conditions attached.

The best friendships are those that are based on honesty, understanding, and kindness. Friends who are willing to be there for each other through good times and bad, and who don’t judge or criticize each other. They are the ones who bring out the best in each other, and who help each other to grow and develop.

Friendship is a special gift that is treasured, nurtured, and appreciated. It is a bond that can never be broken and that can be shared with people from all walks of life. So if you are lucky enough to have a special friendship, be sure to cherish it and nurture it. It is a priceless and unforgettable bond.

The two former heads of state embraced warmly, reminiscing fondly as they reconnected.

Their special friendship was formed in 2005 when former Chilean President Michelle Bachelet came to Vietnam to attend the prestigious Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit week, an event presided over by the former Vietnamese State President Nguyen Minh Triet. Both leaders had a strong appreciation for the growing partnership between their two nations, and that connection was further solidified during their time together that week.

We are delighted to welcome former Chilean President Michelle Bachelet and her delegation to Binh Duong Province. As leaders of this region, we are honored to have them here and are looking forward to a productive and meaningful visit. We are sure that this visit will provide a great opportunity for us to explore ways to further strengthen our relationship with Chile.

Former Vietnamese leader praised Chilean President Michelle Bachelet’s contribution to the partnership between Vietnam and Chile during a meeting at his house. “Bachelet is a friend of the Vietnamese people,” he said. “She has made important contributions to the strengthening of our relationship and the development of our two countries.”

I miss Ángela dearly. She is the only mother to two leaders of separate countries,” he added.

Listening to former Vietnamese State President Triet retelling stories about their late mother, Bachelet felt her heart swell with emotion and tears welled up in her eyes. She quickly wiped them away, her compassion for her mother renewed.

Bachelet is touched when listening to former Vietnamese State President Nguyen Minh Triet retelling stories about their late mother. Photo: Huu Hanh / Tuoi Tre
Bachelet is touched when listening to former Vietnamese State President Nguyen Minh Triet retelling stories about their late mother. Photo: Huu Hanh / Tuoi Tre

She declared, “I am delighted and thrilled to be back in Vietnam. Whenever I come here, I’m always welcomed with open arms, especially from my ‘older brother’ Nguyen Minh Triet.”

She added that in the eyes of her generation, Vietnam is regarded as a great monument due to its struggle against powerful empires to secure independence in the past.

Bachelet and her peers from her generation were on the front-lines of demonstrating against the devastating war in Vietnam. Through peaceful protests, rallies, and other forms of activism, they sought to raise awareness about the destruction that war brings and to call for an end to the conflict. Their efforts helped to bring attention to the plight of those affected by the war, and their legacy lives on in the generations that followed. With their powerful message of non-violence, these brave individuals demonstrated that war is not the answer and that it is possible to effect positive change through peaceful means.

From a war-ravaged country, Vietnam has triumphed over adversity and progressed remarkably,” Bachelet told Triet and congratulated Vietnam on its impressive development.

When the Chilean ambassador to Vietnam invited me to visit, I hesitated for a moment before nodding in agreement. Bachelet humorously recounted her decision to come back to Vietnam, a country that she loves deeply.

Former Vietnamese State President Triet remarked that Chile has also endured many challenges and difficulties in the past, similar to those experienced by Vietnam.

Michelle Bachelet, the 38th President of Chile, was a victim of the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet, the 29th President of Chile. During his 17-year rule, Bachelet and her family experienced imprisonment, torture, and exile. Bachelet’s father was a prominent opponent of the Pinochet regime and was tortured and died while in detention. Bachelet and her mother were also imprisoned and later exiled. Despite the hardships that she and her family endured, Bachelet was able to rise to the highest office in Chile and serve as an example of the resilience of the Chilean people.

During her childhood, Bachelet was exposed to the injustice and human rights abuses of the oppressive regime. She was inspired by her father’s courage and commitment to the cause of democracy, and she became an outspoken critic of the Pinochet government. After studying medicine at the University of Chile, Bachelet was appointed Chile’s Minister of Health in 2000. As Minister, she promoted public health initiatives and oversaw the introduction of a universal health care system.

Bachelet’s family is steeped in revolutionary traditions. Her father, a military commander, was among those who fought to resist the Pinochet dictatorship. During her childhood, Bachelet experienced firsthand the injustice and human rights violations of the oppressive regime. Her father’s bravery and commitment to democracy were a source of inspiration, and she soon became a vocal critic of the Pinochet government. Bachelet studied medicine at the University of Chile, and in 2000, was appointed Chile’s Minister of Health. As Minister, she championed public health initiatives and implemented a universal health care system.

After her father and older brother passed away, Bachelet and her mother were afforded protection by the German government.

Despite enduring a difficult time, Bachelet has shown immense kindness and compassion to her friends. We truly admire her.

I also hope that President Bachelet will continue to strengthen the bonds between the two countries,” Triet shared.

He humorously said that he now dares to call Bachelet his “younger sister.” Earlier, despite their close relations, they referred to each other as “State President” and “President.”

“I miss Ángela a lot. Ángela is the only mother of two countries’ leaders,” former Vietnamese State President Nguyen Minh Triet talks about Ángela Margarita Jeria Gómez, his adoptive mother and the natural mother of the former Chilean leader. Photo: Huu Hanh / Tuoi Tre
‘I miss Ángela a lot. Ángela is the only mother of two countries’ leaders,’ former Vietnamese State President Nguyen Minh Triet talks about Ángela Margarita Jeria Gómez, his adoptive mother and the natural mother of the former Chilean leader. Photo: Huu Hanh / Tuoi Tre

The Unifying Bond of Motherhood

No matter how far apart we may be, the bond of motherhood unites us all. From the moment a new mother holds her newborn in her arms, she begins to experience the shared journey of motherhood. From the hardships of sleepless nights to the joys of watching her child grow, the universal experience of motherhood transcends all boundaries.

No matter what language we may speak, the language of motherhood is understood by all. Even in moments of difficulty, mothers find strength in each other and support one another through shared experiences and understanding. From a comforting word of advice to a much-needed hug, mothers everywhere are connected in a way that is beyond explanation.

Motherhood is an experience that no one can truly understand until they experience it for themselves. It is a journey of discovery and growth, of joy and sorrow. Yet it is a journey that we all share. Despite the differences in our lives, the common bond of motherhood unites us all.

When serving as Chile’s President, Michelle Bachelet often accompanied her mother on visits to other countries, including Vietnam in 2006 for the APEC summit.

At the time, upon learning that Ángela had tragically lost her husband and son to the Pinochet dictatorship, former Vietnamese State President Triet told her that “In Vietnam, women whose husbands or children have sacrificed their lives [in pursuit of the country’s independence and freedom] are honored with the title of Heroic Vietnamese Mother, so Ángela deserves to be a heroic mother as well.”

She was elated to be called “mother,” and then she became my mom—more than just a heroic mother.

Since then, whenever I encountered her, I addressed her as ‘Mom’ naturally due to the close and affectionate relationship we shared, the former Vietnamese leader told Tuoi Tre (Youth) newspaper.

During a visit to Chile in 2009, President Michelle Bachelet welcomed him to her home, accompanied by her mother, Ángela Jeria.

I presented her with some bangles as gifts, and she was moved. Unfortunately, some of the bangles were too small for her wrists, so I apologized and promised to send her a new set.

On the occasion of the APEC summit in Singapore in 2010, former Vietnamese State President Triet met former Chilean President Bachelet and asked her to help him send a bangle set to Ángela.

I informed Bachelet that I had sent the bangles to my mom.

Bachelet then enquired whether I would be interested in meeting our mother that afternoon. I acquiesced, but shortly afterwards, the then United States President Barack Obama welcomed the leaders of ASEAN countries to a gathering.

At the time, Vietnam was the ASEAN chair, so Triet had to attend [the party]. He retold the experience with a sense of nostalgia.

Understanding it, Bachelet replied, “No problem. I’m sure your mom will sympathize with you.”

Former Vietnamese State President Nguyen Minh Triet introduces his garden in Binh Duong Province to Michelle Bachelet on March 30, 2023. Photo: Huu Hanh / Tuoi Tre
Former Vietnamese State President Nguyen Minh Triet introduces his garden in Binh Duong Province to Michelle Bachelet on March 30, 2023. Photo: Huu Hanh / Tuoi Tre

Former State President Triet expressed his gratitude for the close relations between the two countries and between himself and Chilean President Michelle Bachelet, noting that these close ties had enabled them to easily reach a consensus on the matters at hand.

At a meeting when the two remained in office, Triet proposed that Bachelet recognize Vietnam’s market economy and got her immediate agreement.

Bachelet has visited Vietnam five times, with her first trip taking place in 1977 when she was just 26 years old and a member of the World Federation of Democratic Youth, a group that actively protested the wars that ravaged Vietnam.

She later ventured to Vietnam as the Chilean president and a high-ranking official of the United Nations.

Michelle Bachelet is an historic figure in Chile, becoming the first woman to win two presidential elections in 2006 and 2014. Her success has paved the way for greater female representation within the nation’s government.

She always pushed the boundaries to ensure the welfare of all residents, especially women, children, adolescents, and ethnic minority groups, who are the most disadvantaged in the society.

In November 2017, Vietnam hosted the APEC summit for the second time in its history. On this occasion, former Chilean President Michelle Bachelet arrived in the country without her mother, in a visit that is considered to be an important milestone in the relations between the two nations. This event showed the importance of the summit for the nation, as well as the friendly relations between Chile and Vietnam.

Former Vietnamese State President Nguyen Van Thieu later sent a letter to Ángela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany, expressing his admiration for her work. Thieu, who had served as president from 1967 to 1975, wrote that he was inspired to reach out to Merkel due to her “skillful and successful leadership.” He went on to praise her for her “steadfastness and determination in facing the challenges of her time,” and wished her success in her future endeavors. Thieu’s letter was a testament to Merkel’s leadership abilities and a reminder that even those who come from different backgrounds can find common ground.

We are deeply saddened that you won’t be able to attend the APEC Vietnam event. Despite the distance, we still cherish the memories we made with you and Michelle Bachelet. We wish you all the best and pray for your continued good health.

The ex-leader of Vietnam also sent Ángela some home-made gifts, including bird’s nest, pomelos, and cashew nuts. These offerings created a unique bond between them, symbolizing their mutual respect and admiration.

When Ángela passed away during the COVID-19 outbreak, he was filled with sadness as he was unable to travel to Chile.

He asked the Vietnamese Embassy in Chile to lay a wreath to pay tribute to Ángela.

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