Detailed map for 404 caves of Phong Nha cave system created

After some 30 years of research, experts from the British Royal Caves Association (BCRA) has created a detailed map for 404 caves that have staggering length of 231km in Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park in Quang Binh Province.

Detailed map for 404 caves of Phong Nha cave system created
Tien (Fairy) cave.

Of which, there are many caves containing information of the process of Earth formation over 400 million years ago.

The Phong Nha cave system has 157 caves with a length of 103km. The specialists made surveys of 58 grottos measuring 48km and 20km of the 60-cave Nuoc Mooc system. Outstanding caves are Phong Nha, Tien Son, Son Doong, Thien Duong, Va, and En.

Detailed map for 404 caves of Phong Nha cave system created
Experts from the British Royal Caves Association (BCRA) has created a detailed map for 404 caves in Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park.

Scientists estimate that Phong Nha-Ke Bang and adjacent areas are home to over 1,000 caves. There are more than 600 caves that still remain unrevealed. Artificial intelligence (AI) will be applied to discover caves and digitize the entire cave system for scientific study and tourism development, said the director of Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park.  SGGP

Minh PhongÂ