Dalat is one of the top three most popular destinations for flower viewing in the world, according to recommendations from global travelers on Booking.com.

Beautiful blue jacaranda flowers bloom in Dalat from late March until early May. Photo: Le Quynh Tien

Dalat, also known as the city of thousands of flowers, is renowned for its numerous flower parks, farms, and festivals. These stunning attractions add vibrant pops of color and lush green landscapes to the city, creating a captivating atmosphere. As stated by Booking.com, Dalat truly lives up to its nickname as a haven for floral beauty.

Experience the enchanting scents emanating from the vibrant flower gardens, filled with fragrant lilies, chrysanthemums, and an array of exquisite orchids that our city is renowned for. Allow yourself to be captivated by the captivating aromas that await you.

“The flower garden located at the heart of Dalat is a renowned tourist attraction that draws visitors throughout the year. Boasting picturesque arches of meticulously arranged flowers resembling a grand gate, it offers a delightful view towards the enchanting Xuan Huong Lake.”

At Dalat Flower Gardens, visitors will discover a vast and diverse landscape encompassing various zones, each offering its own unique attractions. These include an expansive flower exhibition area, a flourishing nursery, a lush greenhouse section, a tranquil statue garden, and an engaging entertainment center. The focal point of the destination is the extraordinary flower exhibition, showcasing an extensive assortment of over 300 species of stunning and rare flowers, thoughtfully cultivated and arranged to captivate visitors.

The marvelous flowers tingle purple all over the corners of the dream city. Photo: Check in Dalat 

The city is currently in the midst of blue jacaranda season. During the last days of March and the early days of April, the streets of this city are adorned with the vibrant purple hue of blue jacaranda flowers. These flowers bear a resemblance to flame tree flowers, albeit in a different shade. The blooming of blue jacaranda throughout the streets of Dalat has become a beloved characteristic of this enchanting city.

According to Le Quynh Tien, a resident of Dalat, there are several stunning locations for capturing romantic photos of blue jacaranda. These include the giant trees within Dalat Flower Gardens, along the banks of Xuan Huong Lake, and in the streets of Nguyen Thi Minh Khai, Ba Trung, and Tran Phu, among others.

For travelers seeking picturesque spots in Dalat, there are several must-visit destinations, including the Lavender flower gardens at Tuyen Lam Lake, the Sunflower fields at Dalat Milk Farm, the Trai Mat Hydrangea flower fields, and the enchanting cherry blossom roads. These beautiful locations are sure to captivate any visitor.

Located in the picturesque Lam Vien plateau, 1,500 meters above sea level, in the Central Highlands of Vietnam, Dalat city boasts a tranquil ambiance and a pleasantly cool climate. Renowned for its abundant array of flowers, as well as the diverse range of vegetables and fruits harvested from the surrounding farmlands, Dalat offers a unique and delightful experience for visitors. Additionally, the city is home to numerous stunning natural sites, including breathtaking landscapes, lush evergreen forests, and captivating ethnic minority villages, all of which are highly recommended destinations for travelers, as advised by knowledgeable local tour guides.

The city in Central Highland Vietnam is famous for its all-year-round flower seasons. Photo: Le Quynh Tien

The aforementioned Top Ten countries include Gramado (Brazil), Singapore, Cameron (Malaysia), Cordoba (Spain), Victoria (Canada), Toowoomba (Australia), and Istanbul (Turkey).

According to Booking.com, 73% of Vietnamese travelers expressed a preference for simpler experiences, such as spending time outdoors, for their next travel adventure.

A representative from Booking.com stated that the survey was conducted among a sample of adults who have traveled for business or leisure within the last 12 months and are also planning to travel within the next 12 months.

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