Peaceful country road shaded with king areca tree

A rural road in Tan Tru district planted about 300 king areca trees in a straight line, creating a peaceful and attractive scene.


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More than 50 km from the center of Ho Chi Minh City, Ong Do Nghi Street (Tan Tru district) attracts tourists by its two straight rows of areca trees. (Photo: VN Express)
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The road is about 2km long, nearly 3m wide, has about 300 areca trees, passing through the green rice fields creating a peaceful scene in the western countryside. (Photo: VN Express)
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People in the area said that more than a decade ago, this place was just a dirt road. The king areca trees are about 15 years old, 10 meters high, growing in straight lines, shading the two sides of the road. (Photo: VN Express)
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In spite of the tall trees, local people also planted moss-rose flowers. (Photo: VN Express)
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There are almost no houses along the way. In addition to rice, local people also grow a lot of dragon fruit on both sides of the road. (Photo: VN Express)
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The panoramic view of the road from above, winding between rice fields and green dragon fruit gardens. On the weekends, Ong Do Nghi Street has many people coming to visit and take pictures. Many couples also choose this place to take pre-wedding photo albums. (Photo: VN Express)
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Khanh Quyen (Tan Tru High School) shared “Every day I pass this road on the way to school. I am very proud that my hometown has such a beautiful and famous scene,” the 12th-grade student said. (Photo: VN Express)