Vietnam Commended for Involvement in UN Peacekeeping Cooperation Mechanisms

At the United Nations General Assembly today (Sep. 20), Vietnam continued to demonstrate its active role in international peacekeeping cooperation mechanisms. Speaking at the event, Vietnam's Deputy Prime Minister, Vu Duc Dam, highlighted the importance of international collaboration in promoting world peace and security. On the sidelines of the General Assembly, the Deputy Prime Minister took part in talks with Cuba's highest leadership. Meanwhile, the Vietnamese economy remains resilient despite increased external pressures, with Hanoi taking further measures to develop and renew its tourism products in order to attract more visitors.


Vietnam News Today (Sep. 20) notable headlines

Vietnam’s role in UN peacekeeping cooperation mechanisms highlighted

Vietnamese Deputy PM meets with Cuban leaders

Vietnamese economy remains resilient amid headwinds

Hanoi renews tourism products to increase attractiveness

Number of Vietnamese sellers on Amazon up by 80%

Vietnam-Japan cooperation fruiting: expert

PM visits leading tech firms in Silicon Valley

Vietnam Socio-economic Forum 2023 opens

PM Pham Minh Chinh receives politicians of San Francisco

Photo: VOV
Photo: VOV

Vietnam’s role in UN peacekeeping cooperation mechanisms highlighted

Vietnam’s role and responsibility in multilateral and bilateral cooperation mechanisms on UN peacekeeping operations within the framework of the ASEAN Defence Ministers’ Meeting Plus (ADMM+) has made practical contributions to improving the overall effectiveness of ADMM+ member states’ participation in UN peacekeeping operations.

The assessment was made by the Competency Evaluation Programme for Prospective UN Peacekeepers (CEPPP), an activity under the ASEAN Defence Ministers’ Meeting Plus (ADMM-Plus) Experts’ Working Group on Peacekeeping Operations (PKO-EWG) Cycle 4, which is being co-chaired by Vietnam and Japan from September 13 to September 21.

Representing the Japanese side as co-chair of the ASEAN Defence Ministers’ Meeting Plus (ADMM-Plus) Experts’ Working Group on Peacekeeping Operations (PKO-EWG) Cycle 4, Matsuzawa Tomoko, director for Defence Cooperation in the Indo-Pacific Region of the International Policy Division of the Defence Policy Bureau under the Japanese Ministry of Defence and also head of Japan’s experts’ working group on peacekeeping, emphasized that the two sides agreed to integrate perspectives on gender equality in the CEPPP planning process.

In activities under the CEPPP, female soldiers are present and active in many positions, often boasting prominent roles.

According to Tomoko, in a bid to achieve the goal the two countries have paid great attention during the CEPPP planning process to two key factors, including ensuring realism by focusing on challenges encountered in current peacekeeping operations by reflecting member countries’ experiences in CEPPP scenarios.

The second is to integrate perspectives on gender equality, cited VOV.

She also emphasized that the main objective of the current cycle is to enhance the role of Women, Peace and Security (WPS).

Given the growing importance of women in peace and security in the context of peacekeeping, both Asian nations have a deep interest in promoting and deepening understanding of this issue between member countries.

For the CEPPP, the two countries have ensured the inclusion of realistic situations and elements related to the role of women in order to prepare exercise participants to carry out their duties.

Vietnamese Deputy PM meets with Cuban leaders

Vietnamese Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha paid a courtesy call on President of the National Assembly of People’s Power of Cuba Esteban Lazo Hernández and held talks with First Deputy Prime Minister of Cuba Ricardo Cabrisas Ruíz in Havana on September 18, as part of his visit to the Caribbean nation and attendance at the Group of 77 plus China (G77+China) Summit.

At these meetings, the Cuban leaders expressed their appreciation for Vietnamese participation in the summit, which, they said, showed the special attention of the Vietnamese Party, State, and people to the traditional friendship and special cooperation between the two nations and contributed to the success of the event.

Lazo Hernández said the National Assembly of People’s Power of Cuba has continuously learnt and studied reform experiences of Vietnam and brought them into the building and approval of laws in Cuba, according to VNA.

Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha (R) and President of the National Assembly of People's Power of Cuba Esteban Lazo Hernández at their meeting in Havana on September 18. (Photo: VNA)
Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha (R) and President of the National Assembly of People’s Power of Cuba Esteban Lazo Hernández at their meeting in Havana on September 18. (Photo: VNA)

Meanwhile, Cabrisas Ruíz, who is also Minister of Foreign Trade and Foreign Investment, thanked Vietnam for its multifaceted assistance for Cuba, especially when the Caribbean country is facing numerous difficulties from increased blockade measures.

He affirmed that the Vietnam-Cuba relationship is growing very well and expressed his wish to further enhance the effectiveness of their existing cooperation mechanisms via the Party, National Assembly, and Government channels. He also hoped to see more Cuban-invested projects in Vietnam.

For his part, Ha said Vietnam always treasures and is determined to deepen its traditional solidarity and comprehensive cooperation with Cuba. He also affirmed Vietnam’s consistent stance on uniting with and supporting Cuba, opposing and calling for the end to the blockade and embargo against Cuba, and joining Cuba’s efforts to overcome the current difficulties.

The two sides discussed specific measures to further promote the comprehensive, practical, and effective cooperation between the two nations, including increasing the exchange of visits and meetings at all levels and coordinating in the implementation of the results of the summit, particularly in the fields of science-technology and innovation. They also agreed to step up the bilateral economic, trade, and investment ties, with a focus on aquaculture projects, corn development, rice production, and collaboration in biotechnology and pharmaceuticals.

The same day, Ha and the Vietnamese delegation laid flowers at a park named after late Vietnamese President Ho Chi Minh, visited and presented gifts to Alfredo Miguel Aguayo Elementary School in the Cuban capital.

Vietnamese economy remains resilient amid headwinds: NA Chairman

The national economy has shown resilience amid global headwinds, said the National Assembly (NA) Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue at the Vietnam Socio-Economic Forum 2023 held on September 19 in Hanoi.

Upon addressing the event with the theme of “Enhancing internal capacity, creating drivers for growth and sustainable development”, the top Vietnamese legislator emphasized that the nation has steadfastly overcome challenges to obtain major and comprehensive achievements amid numerous difficulties in the region and the world.

In fact, Vietnam’s growth drivers and industrial production from the fourth quarter of last year have slowed, while the country’s major export markets have shrunk amid disruptions in several supply chains.

However, the local economy has maintained its growth momentum and become a bright spot “in the “gray picture” of the global economy due to unprecedented policies and solutions being taken.

The macro-economic situation has remained stable, while inflation has been controlled with national credit ratings and the country’s position within the international arena being improved, reported VOV.

NA Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue addresses the event.
NA Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue addresses the event.

Major balances are guaranteed with the ratio of public debt, foreign debt, and budget deficit being below the threshold allowed by the NA. Bad debt has been brought under control, while exchange rates have been also quite stable.

In the first eight months of the year, FDI attraction and the disbursement of public investment has witnessed positive changes with total retail sales of goods and consumer service revenue increasing by 10%.

The country is predicted to fulfill the target of welcoming eight million foreign visitors this year. Most notably, some key industrial areas have shown signs of recovery and maintained rapid growth including Hai Phong, Bac Ninh, and Ho Chi Minh City.

According to the NA leader, top priorities should be given to promoting “internal strength”, whilst fully tapping into external factors for further development in the future.

Hanoi renews tourism products to increase attractiveness

Since the beginning of 2023, Hanoi’s tourism industry has achieved impressive growth. However, experts recommended the capital city to continue renewing its tourism products to attract more domestic and foreign visitors.

Director of the municipal Tourism Department Dang Huong Giang said that since the reopening of its door to tourists on March 15, 2022, Hanoi has carried out concerted measures, with 172 activities, including major cultural and tourism events, held to increase the attractiveness of the city’s tourism, cited VNA.

Temple of Literature - an attractive destination for foreign tourists. (Photo: VNA)
Temple of Literature – an attractive destination for foreign tourists. (Photo: VNA)

According to Giang, the goal of serving 22 million tourists, including 3 million foreigners, this year is reachable. However, in order to quickly match the pre-pandemic level (in 2019, Hanoi welcomed nearly 29 million visitors, including 7 million foreigners), the city still has much work to do.

At a seminar on main solutions to accelerate recovery and effective and sustainable tourism development recently held by the municipal Department of Tourism, participants advised the city to develop more products that meet tourists’ needs.

Some proposed buildings related to autumn such as Fototour to capture the beauty of the more than 1,000-year-old city in this season.

Many assessed that Hanoi only has “evening” tourism, not “night-time” tourism. General Director of Hanoi Tourism Investment JSC Nhu Thi Ngan said that most of the night activities in Hanoi end before 12:00 a.m. Only at weekends, bars and restaurants in downtown Hoan Kiem district are allowed to open until 2:00 am.

Therefore, Ngan recommended the city to have a more “open” approach and have its own policy on this issue.

Number of Vietnamese sellers on Amazon up by 80%

Vietnam’s B2C (Business To Consumer) retail export turnover is estimated at US$3.5 billion in 2022, showing the great potential of Vietnam’s cross-border e-commerce, according to a report from Access Partnership.

Vietnam is becoming an emerging center of global manufacturing and supply that can provide international quality products at competitive prices, the report said.

Nearly 10 million Made in Vietnam products were sold on Amazon in 2022, with the number of Vietnamese sellers on this platform increasing by 80 percent.

With that potential, Vietnam – as an increasingly important production center in Asia and the world – promises to bring many unique, quality Made in Vietnam products to the international market. However, to achieve long-term sustainable growth, Vietnamese businesses need a comprehensive strategic approach, VNN reported.

Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade Do Thang Hai (third from the right) at the stall of Amazon Global Selling VN at the Vietnam International Sourcing Expo 2023.
Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade Do Thang Hai (third from the right) at the stall of Amazon Global Selling VN at the Vietnam International Sourcing Expo 2023.

Mastering production potential and understanding the B2C retail export environment and the importance of branding are the keys to helping Vietnamese small and medium enterprises increase their chances of success with online exports.

Gijae Seong, Managing Director of Amazon Global Selling Vietnam, said that exports have been an important spearhead of the Vietnamese economy for many years. Today, thanks to strong digital transformation, this is the time to boost exports by promoting digitalization and accelerating e-commerce in exports. Amazon Global Selling Vietnam aims to promote and support the development of small and medium-sized enterprises through cross-border e-commerce.

Rosie Nguyen
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