Underprivileged given free health check-ups

The prolonged flooding in Vietnam’s central region has had a serious impact on the health of local residents. The 199 Police Hospital, in coordination with the Da Nang Trade Union, recently organised free health check-ups and provided medicine for local people in need, in a bid to ease their pain and suffering.


With many ailments, Nguyen Van Quang is too poor for a frequent health check-up at the local hospital. After the floods struck, Quang and more than 3,000 other needy people and social policy beneficiaries in Que Phong commune were put at ease after receiving check-ups and medicine from the 199 Police Hospital.

In addition to providing free check-ups and medicine, the doctors also conduct screening and early detection of certain diseases.

Que Phong commune is home to 1,200 social policy beneficiaries, over 70 percent of whom are in need. Programme donors also presented gifts to help local people in this difficult time./.