Tourists to Experience Hanoi’s Historic Hoa Lo Prison in October

Night tours of Hanoi’s Hoa Lo Prison will officially kick-off on July 24, taking visitors on a rollercoaster ride of emotions.


Using light and sound effects, the 45-minute tour, called “Sacred Night – Glorious Vietnamese Spirit”, immerses visitors in the history of Hoa Lo Prison, once known as “hell on earth”.

The tour takes visitors through the main gate, dark cells, a tropical almond tree, a guillotine, a monument, and various blocks used to house male prisoners, female prisoners, and political prisoners.

Hoa Lo Prison, named after the coal-fired stoves that were once sold on the surrounding streets, was built by the French and opened in 1896 to imprison anti-French revolutionaries.

In late June, a trial night tour was conducted for Vietnamese tourists by the prison’s management board and the Hanoitourist Travel Agency.

Night tours of Hoa Lo Prison are now available at 7pm every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Please note that these tours are not recommended for children under 16 years of age.