VUFO Proposes Solutions to Boost System Efficiency

At the 2023 National Conference on People-to-people Diplomacy, delegates discussed ways to improve and renew the operational efficiency of the Viet Nam Union of Friendship Organizations (VUFO). The delegates unanimously proposed expanding and diversifying the network of partners, being proactive and flexible in activities, and strengthening the connection between member organizations at the central and local levels.


On July 19, during the 2023 National Conference on People-to-people Diplomacy, the second discussion session on renewing and improving the operational efficiency of the Vietnam Union of Friendship Organizations (VUFO) system took place.

Proposals on Renewal and Improvement of Operational Efficiency of VUFO's System
Delegates attend the second discussion session of the 2023 National Conference on People-to-people Diplomacy (Photo: Thu Ha).

Vice President – General Secretary of VUFO, Phan Anh Son, presented the work plan for 2024 and the development orientation for the VUFO system in 2030.

The focus of work in 2024 will be on peace, solidarity, and friendship; foreign non-governmental work; consulting and research; information and communication; human resources and system development.

Regarding INGO activities, VUFO will organize the 5th international conference on INGOs, implement administrative reform, diversify aid sources, and innovate aid mobilization methods.

For the orientation towards 2030, VUFO identifies nine strategic goals aimed at improving the quality of consultation on formulating and implementing policies on people-to-people diplomacy, enhancing domestic and foreign partner organization networks, and raising awareness and trust in VUFO, among others.

Proposals on Renewal and Improvement of Operational Efficiency of VUFO's System
Vice President – General Secretary of VUFO, Phan Anh Son, presents a report at the conference (Photo: Thu Ha).

During the discussion session, representatives of member organizations exchanged experiences and proposed measures to innovate and improve the operational efficiency of the VUFO system.

To conduct foreign affairs activities in the new situation, it is necessary to have new and effective thinking that aligns with new priorities. This includes promoting socio-economic-political development programs, actively participating in building and promoting “soft power,” and increasing international understanding and friendship for Vietnam.

Proposals on Renewal and Improvement of Operational Efficiency of VUFO's System
Nguyen Duc Hung, Vice President – General Secretary of the Vietnam – Singapore Friendship Association (Photo: Thu Ha)

Members also emphasized the importance of autonomy and flexibility in the activities of Friendship Associations and the need for continued awareness raising and innovation in people-to-people diplomacy at all levels.

Proposals on Renewal and Improvement of Operational Efficiency of VUFO's System
Nguyen The Ky, Chairman of the Vietnam Committee for Solidarity and Cooperation with Asia-Africa-Latin America (Photo: Thu Ha).

Nguyen The Ky highlighted the importance of people-to-people diplomacy and the need for sufficient funding to support its operations at home and abroad.

In her closing speech, President of VUFO, Nguyen Phuong Nga, expressed her belief that the conference marked a new milestone in the activities of VUFO and called for unity and effective implementation of people-to-people diplomacy.

Proposals on Renewal and Improvement of Operational Efficiency of VUFO's System
President of VUFO, Nguyen Phuong Nga, gives a closing speech at the conference (Photo: Thu Ha).

The standing body of VUFO will collect and learn from the opinions and conclusions from the conference to improve operational efficiency and prepare for the 7th National Congress of Deputies for the 2024-2029 term.

President Nguyen Phuong Nga urged the entire VUFO system to be united in awareness and action and to actively implement people-to-people diplomacy to serve the country’s development goals.

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