The capital completed the listing of voters on April 14. It is expected that Hanoi will have more than 5.8 million voters participating in the national elections slated for May 23.

The third consultative conferences have been held across the city, approving a list of 36 candidates eligible to run for slots at the next-term NA, along with 160 others who are qualified to run for deputy positions in the city’s 16th People’s Councils.

The elections is an important political event of the country, taking place after the success of the 13th National Party Congress, aiming to build, consolidate and perfect the socialist rule of law State of the people, by the people, and for the people.

Every Hanoi street has been decorated brightly with panels, posters, flags, banners and slogans on the theme of the elections.

The communications have been carried out in the correct way by local functional units in three phases, for which the peak will last from May 1 to 23.

A large panel cluster located at the centre of Ba Dinh district.

A voting venue located at No. 48 Hang Ngang Street brightly decorated ahead of national election day.

Members of the election board of Ly Thai To ward in Hoan Kiem district are regularly present at the listing venue to assist voters when requested.

The list of voters is posted publicly.

Communications for the elections are bustling across the capital city.