Catching photographs of the movements of birds sucking nectar from cherry-like apricot trees and playing with the flowers is an interesting experience.

Many photographers said that the most difficult task in capturing wild animals is to “freeze” the moment of a flying or moving bird.

It requires experience in photographic techniques, alignment principals, and a lot of patience.

We cannot predict the movement directions of birds as the moments happen very quickly and must change the composition of our photos in just a blink of an eye.

Professional photographers reveal that the crucial thing to successfully catch the moments is perseverance and concentration when looking through the viewfinder.

The timing of the shot and the background of a photo are also extremely important in producing beautiful lighting and natural highlights.

The spring is knocking on the door. Birds are swinging from branch to branch in seek of sweet nectar while cheery-like apricot flowers are boasting their charm under the sunlight in the plateau.