Simple specialty found in forest

HCMC - White rattan buds are a daily dish of S’Tieng ethnic people in Binh Phuoc Province. This dish gives diners a combination of different tastes: sweetness, bitterness and a little bit of fatness.

White rattan buds are being grilled with a big fire

The white rattan buds grow naturally in forests in Binh Phuoc. It is quite easy to buy the buds at markets in the province. However, the availability depends on whether bud pickers are at work or not. Sometimes, there are none left and orders have to be made several days in advance.

White rattan bud hotpot, white rattan bud salad, stir-fried white rattan buds, or grilled white rattan buds are among the choices. Some members of the S’Tieng ethnic people say that grilled white rattan buds are their favorite. After their outer coat is peeled off, the buds are directly cooked on a big fire. The dipping sauce for the dish includes salt, minced chilies and some drops of lemon juice. The grilled white rattan buds will give a bitter taste then a fatty taste.

White rattan bud salad with grilled shrimps is a good choice, too. The dish was voted the best local specialty in 2020-2021 by the Vietnam Book of Records and the Top Vietnam Organization.