Drawn by a Vietnamese expat student, a series of paintings about life, friendships, and the enthusiasm of doctors and soldiers working in the isolated area, has inspired a lot of optimism among Vietnamese people amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

Nguyen Tang Quang, a Vietnamese student returning from the UK, after completing the quarantine period, gave the physicians and medical staff in the Military School of Region 7 twenty paintings as a demonstration of gratitude.

Life in the isolated area is described as joyous in Quang’s paintings that helped people understand what is happening in the quarantine facilities and life of each isolated person there. The paintings also conveyed the optimism and humor of the young student.

“A very inspirational series of paintings in the dark season”, “The painting is so beautiful, you have made the isolation time useful and an unforgettable memory”, “Nice, witty, humorous and optimistic drawings. Keep this spirit to make life beautiful” are some of hundreds of comments left on Quang’s Facebook fanpage.

Some paintings of Quang and his captions: