A group of contestants participated in multiple rounds of the competition, including an Ao Dai (traditional Vietnamese long dress) performance, evening gown segments, and a Q&A competition. After careful evaluation, Vu Thuc Hien, an editor and director of a media company, emerged as the winner of the beauty pageant, surpassing 21 other finalists.
The pageant’s organizers also recognized Phan Thi Thanh, a successful businesswoman, as the first runner-up, while the second and third runner-up positions were awarded to five other notable businesswomen from various regions of the country.
The first-ever Miss Tourism Business Vietnam is a highly-regarded beauty contest that celebrates accomplished businesswomen residing and working in Vietnam, ranging from 25 to 55 years old. The winners will play a vital role in promoting the country’s landscapes, culture, and cuisine to international audiences, thereby contributing to the growth and development of the Vietnamese tourism industry.