The purpose of the function is to introduce local readers to the first dictionary of the Spanish language that is to be both printed and published in Vietnam.

Upon addressing the event, Assoc. Dr. Nguyen Viet Thao, standing vice president of the Vietnam-Cuba Friendship Association, underscored the importance of the work to broaden the knowledge, as well as to equip researchers and local Spanish learners with an useful tool to gain access to the language.

Most notably, the dictionary was also released amid both countries celebrating 40 years since the signing of the Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation between Vietnam and Cuba, as well as the 62nd anniversary since the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries.

Assoc. Dr. Nguyen Viet Thao expressed his belief that local Spanish learners will have a useful tool to access the Spanish language, particularly as it is the second most spoken in the world with more than 500 million users, accounting for 10% of the world’s population.

In response, Cuban Ambassador to Vietnam Orlando Hernández Nicolas Guillén emphasised the role of the Spanish language today, adding that the dictionary will serve as a bridge between the Spanish-speaking countries and Vietnam, thereby helping to promote cultural diversity and deepen mutual understanding. 

Furthermore, the publication of the dictionary will be useful in teaching and learning Spanish at the Vietnam National University, Hanoi (VNU).

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