Top must-try dishes to savor in Dak Lak

If you're planning to visit Dak Lak, in Vietnam's Central Highlands, the top 5 dishes below are highly recommended for you. From grilled chicken, Venison, red rice vermicelli soup to hemibagrus, all have something unique on offer.


Grilled chicken in Ban Don

Grilled chicken in Ban Don, Dak Lak boasts its own unique taste. The chicken is all wandering chicken whose meat is tender and nutritious. These chickens mostly feed on insects, grass, and rice.

Each chicken is around 1kg. The whole chicken is boiled, then marinated with chili, lemongrass juice and honey before put on the grill. The grilled chicken has a mouth-watering flavor. The dish is best eaten with a mixture of salt, chili and lemon.

top must try dishes to savor in dak lak
(Photo: Thoi Dai)


Venison is the main specialty of the mountainous regions of the Central Highlands, especially in Dak Lak. The venison differs from beef in that it has fewer tendons, ivory-white fat, and is softer than young veal.

Venison can be cooked in different ways, including grill, stir-fry, deep-fry, venison jerky, etc. Vinegar-dipped venison is hailed the most delicious ones.

top must try dishes to savor in dak lak
(Photo: Thoi Dai)

Red rice vermicelli soup

The name of the dish stems from the special color of the rice vermicelli, which is normally white. However, local people have taken up a notch by mixing the vermicelli with cashew nut sauce, which gives the attractive redness to the vermicelli.

Red rice vermicelli soup is ubiquitous in Buon Ma Thuot, Dak Lak, however, the most famous ones mostly lie in Phan Dinh Giot and Le Duan street.

top must try dishes to savor in dak lak
(Photo: Thoi Dai)

Braised goby fish

One more dish of the Central Highlands is braised goby fish. To make a delicious bowl of braised goby fish, the cook must first clean and salted it, then put onto a frying pan to fry the fish with galangal. As the fish turns golden yellow and has a fragrant aroma, the fish is placed into a pot and braised with onions, chili, sugar, MSG. The flavorful braised fish is addicted and best eaten on a cold winter day.

top must try dishes to savor in dak lak
(Photo: Thoi Dai)


Hemibagrus can be cooked into different dishes, however, the Hemibagrus hot pot is no doubt the most impressive one. The sweetness of Hemibagrus perfectly goes with the sour of medicinal herbs and other veggies. Celery, broccoli, bitter vegetables, mint are must-have ingredient for a perfect hemibagrus hot pot experience in Dak Lak.

top must try dishes to savor in dak lak
(Photo: Thoi Dai)