Upholding national unity from August Revolution in Covid-19 fight

Seventy-six years ago, Vietnamese people gained the first remarkable accomplishment of the nation in the 20th century: successfully carrying out the August Revolution to seize back national independence, giving birth to the Democratic Republic of Vietnam.


Under the leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam, headed by President Ho Chi Minh, within just 15 days, from August 16 to September 2, 1945, the country’s revolutionary forces overthrew the French colonial regime and its feudalist puppet emperor to build a new political system throughout the country.

History has shown that there are two significant factors deciding victory – leadership and solidarity.

During the August Revolution as well as following wars of resistance, the people rallied and fought under the words of late President Ho Chi Minh: “Nothing is more precious than independence and freedom”, and when it comes to the fight against the invisible enemy – COVID-19 – the guideline for action from the Party and the State is to “put the people’s health and lives first and foremost”.

The whole nation is a great unity bloc, and everyone is joining hands with the Party and the government to fight the pandemic, protect health and lives, and provide the best care for the people.

The affirmation of the Party, State, and government about the goal of protecting people’s health and lives amid the COVID-19 pandemic has once again promoted the joint effort, consensus, and great solidarity of the entire nation. With unanimity, solidarity, and absolute trust from the people, the country will definitely win its fight against the pandemic in the near future./.