Measures needed to support COVID-19-hit enterprises

The second wave of COVID-19 has had a serious impact on many Vietnamese enterprises, and timely support from the Government and authorised agencies is now urgently needed.


Laying off 20 percent of the workforce

Leasing out part of the office space

Seeking alternative business fields …

These are some of the temporary solutions enterprises have adopted to maintain operations.

The second wave of COVID-19 had a major impact on this enterprise, as contracts fell by a third compared to previous years.

For tourism companies, the second wave of the pandemic smashed their hopes that the industry would recover quickly, and many were forced out of the market.

Government support policies during the first wave were rightly praised but many enterprises have said they had problems accessing the package.

Nearly 86 percent of 126,500 surveyed enterprises were hit by the pandemic. Experts said the second wave had a greater negative impact than the first.

Authorised agencies will instruct enterprises to provide information on the survey’s website. The results are expected this month and will help boost the effective implementation of support policies for enterprises./.