Journalists help bridge mainland and Truong Sa archipelago

Far-flung Truong Sa archipelago has been brought closer to people on the mainland since the lives of soldiers and local residents, who spare no effort to protect the nation’s sacred seas and skies, have regularly featured in the media. The archipelago has won a place in the hearts of many journalists, helping them become more responsible in their work and gain a greater respect for their career.


After a visit to Truong Sa, journalists write stories about the brave soldiers and their patriotism and dogged determination to protect the nation’s sea and islands, as well as about fishermen and rescue efforts at sea, among other matters.

Information like this has made a significant contribution to connecting the mainland with Truong Sa.

Touching and true stories together with wonderful images of Truong Sa have been passed on by reporters and journalists visiting the archipelago, which give additional strength to the soldiers and people on their mission to defend the sacred seas and islands of the nation./.