Vietnam Takes Centerstage in UN After 45 Years of Participation

Vietnam News Today (Sep. 20): Vietnam elevates its role in UN after 45 years of membership; Vietnamese fruits successfully enter challenging markets; KOTRA to connect Vietnam, RoK business via trade event; Vietnamese economy requires new momentum from business environment.


Vietnam News Today – September 20: Notable Headlines

Vietnam Assumes Greater Responsibility in the United Nations after 45 Years of Membership

Vietnamese fruits make successful entry into demanding markets

KOTRA Facilitates Business Networking Between Vietnam and South Korea Through Trade Event

The Vietnamese economy is in need of a fresh boost from a more conducive business environment.

Charitable Houses for Poor Households on the Vietnam-Cambodia Border

We are proud to announce our latest initiative to provide charitable houses to families in need along the Vietnam-Cambodia border. Many households in this region are living in inadequate housing conditions, struggling to meet their basic needs.

Through this project, we aim to improve the living conditions of these vulnerable communities by providing safe and comfortable houses. Our team of skilled volunteers will collaborate with local authorities and community members to identify the most deserving recipients. The houses will be built using high-quality materials, ensuring durability and resiliency.

By donating to this initiative, you can make a real difference in the lives of these families. Your support will not only provide them with shelter but also give them a sense of security and hope for the future. Together, we can bring positive change to those who need it the most.

Join us in our effort to transform lives and create a better future for these impoverished households. Your contribution will have a lasting impact on the community and help break the cycle of poverty.

Explore the stunning beauty and cultural richness of Vietnam’s breathtaking northern mountainous region with our four-day tour package. Immerse yourself in the picturesque landscapes, visit local villages, and learn about the customs and traditions of the ethnic minority communities that call this region home. This unforgettable experience promises to captivate your senses and create lasting memories. Join us on this incredible journey through Vietnam’s northern mountain passes and indulge in the wonders of this enchanting destination.

Top Legislator Stresses Importance of Macro-Economic Stability at Socio-Economic Forum

The significance of macro-economic stability was emphasized by the top legislator during the socio-economic forum.

Measures to Boost Labour Market Sustainability

In order to ensure long-term sustainability in the labour market, it is crucial to implement a series of measures. These measures will not only improve the overall stability and efficiency of the labour market but also contribute to economic growth and social well-being.

  • Enhancing Skills Development Programs: Investing in training and education programs that enhance the skills of the workforce is essential. By offering continuous learning opportunities, workers can acquire new and relevant skills that meet the demands of a rapidly changing economy.
  • Promoting Flexibility and Adaptability: Embracing flexible work arrangements, such as remote work or flexible hours, can enhance work-life balance and improve job satisfaction. Furthermore, enabling workers to adapt to new technologies and industries through upskilling and reskilling initiatives is crucial.
  • Encouraging Entrepreneurship and Innovation: Promoting entrepreneurship and innovation can create new job opportunities and stimulate economic growth. Governments should provide necessary support, such as access to funding and business development services, to encourage entrepreneurial activities.
  • Fostering Collaboration between Education and Industry: Building strong collaborations between educational institutions and industries can bridge the skills gap and ensure that the workforce possesses the skills required by employers. This can be achieved through internships, apprenticeship programs, and regular dialogue between academia and industry.
  • Implementing Fair Labour Practices: Governments should enforce fair employment regulations that protect the rights of workers. This includes ensuring fair wages, safe working conditions, and protection against discrimination. Additionally, promoting diversity and inclusion in the workplace is crucial for fostering an equitable and sustainable labour market.

By implementing these measures, we can foster a sustainable labour market that benefits both workers and the economy as a whole. This will ultimately lead to increased productivity, improved living standards, and enhanced social well-being.

Hanoi to Start Ring Road No. 4 Project in June 2023

Vietnam actively and responsibly engages in UN activities. Photo: VNA
Vietnam actively and responsibly engages in UN activities. Photo: VNA

Vietnam Strengthens Its Role in the United Nations After 45 Years of Membership

Vietnam gained entry into the United Nations on September 20, 45 years ago. This important milestone marked the beginning of a new era in Vietnam’s global ties, creating opportunities for international assistance and enabling the country to play a more active role in global affairs. The United Nations highly appreciates Vietnam’s achievements in protecting children’s rights during this period.

After achieving national reunification on April 30, 1975, the country was admitted to the United Nations just five months later. Recognizing the significance of this milestone, the UN promptly issued a resolution, urging the international community to provide support and assistance for the country’s post-war reconstruction and poverty reduction efforts.

From 1977 until the late 1980s, when Vietnam was subjected to a United States-imposed embargo, the United Nations played a crucial role in providing assistance to the Southeast Asian nation. This aid encompassed a wide range of areas, including addressing the aftermath of war, reducing poverty, and promoting development. In the following decade, the UN remained at the forefront of organizations assisting Vietnam in formulating policies and action plans for economic and legal reforms. Additionally, they continued to support the country’s ongoing development efforts and foster its integration into the international community.

The country has actively integrated into and supported various United Nations (UN) agencies over the years. Since the late 1990s, it has progressively engaged in influential bodies within the UN, including the UN Development Program (UNDP), UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF), UNESCO, IAEA, and the Human Rights Council. Notably, it has twice been elected as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council, serving in the 2008-2009 and 2020-2021 periods.

Vietnam has made significant achievements in the Doi Moi (Renewal) process and international integration. It has actively participated in and made valuable contributions to the united efforts of the United Nations and the global community. Notably, Vietnam played a vital role in the development and execution of the UN’s Millennium Development Goals and Sustainable Development Goals up until 2030, serving as a commendable example in the successful implementation of diverse programs.

Vietnam has been actively engaging in UN cooperation programs addressing climate change, disease prevention, hunger eradication, poverty reduction, and assistance to vulnerable populations. Additionally, Vietnam collaborates with the UN in implementing trilateral cooperation initiatives aimed at supporting African nations in areas such as agriculture, food, education, healthcare, and poverty reduction, as reported by VOV.

Upon joining the UN Security Council, our country embarked on several significant initiatives. These include upholding the principles of the UN Charter and advocating for multilateralism. We have also taken steps to tackle pressing issues, such as landmine removal and the protection of women, children, and vital civilian infrastructure during times of conflict. These initiatives have garnered widespread support and consensus among UN member states.

Furthermore, we are proud to have contributed significantly to UN peacekeeping efforts. Over the period of 2017 to 2021, we have deployed a total of 493 military officers and soldiers to UN peacekeeping forces. Additionally, we have established four level-2 field hospitals in South Sudan and Abyei, providing essential medical support in these regions.

Through our actions and commitments, we continue to demonstrate our dedication to global peace and security as an active member of the UN Security Council.

Vietnam actively supports collaboration between the United Nations and ASEAN in various areas, including peace, security, development, and addressing global challenges like environmental protection, climate change, and pandemics. In the context of the Bien Dong Sea, Vietnam consistently emphasizes the importance of adhering to international law, specifically the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), to maintain peace, stability, security, safety, and freedom of navigation in the region. Additionally, Vietnam advocates for the protection of the legitimate rights and interests of coastal countries and the peaceful resolution of disputes, while avoiding further complications.

In the past 45 years, our country has made significant contributions to the collective efforts of the United Nations (UN) with a strong commitment to fulfilling our responsibilities. We have actively participated in shaping international agendas that align with our national interests and uphold the principles of international law. These efforts have aimed to promote fairness and equity for countries of all sizes, fostering an environment conducive to peace, security, and development.

Vietnam must continue to leverage its consistent foreign policy to garner increased international support and assistance for its development objectives, both in the short-term until 2030 and the long-term until 2045. Furthermore, Vietnam should further amplify its proactive role in global affairs, prioritizing peace, security, development cooperation, and addressing global challenges. moving forward, Vietnam is expected to make even greater contributions to the noble goals of the United Nations, including conflict resolution, peacekeeping, and promoting stability for the benefit of all global citizens.

Malaysian News Agency Reports on the Success of Vietnamese Fruits In Difficult Markets

According to a recent article from the Malaysian National News Agency (Bernama), Vietnam has successfully penetrated high-value and demanding markets with a variety of locally grown fruits.

In addition to China, which has been Vietnam’s largest importer for several years, Vietnamese fruit and vegetables have experienced robust growth in other significant markets including the US, Korea, Japan, and Australia.

There is a growing trend among exporters to focus on European markets due to the zero-percent tax rate offered under the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA). These markets are also experiencing a rise in demand for tropical fruit and vegetables.

Packaging dragon fruit for export in Tien Giang province. Photo: VNA
Packaging dragon fruit for export in Tien Giang province. Photo: VNA

According to data provided by Vietnam’s General Department of Customs, the country’s fruit and vegetable exports to Europe in 2021 reached a total of US$303 million, marking a significant year-on-year increase of 17.4%.

Currently, negotiations are taking place for the potential entry of various fresh fruits into untapped markets.

According to a report by Bernama, numerous localities are undertaking preparations for growing areas and material sources, with the aim of capturing potential opportunities.

Tien Giang, the largest fruit-growing province in the Mekong Delta region of Vietnam, is actively pursuing opportunities to expand its plantations. The aim is to not only boost farmers’ incomes but also enhance the province’s fruit exports. Likewise, Gia Lai, a province in the Central Highlands region, has ambitious plans to significantly increase its passion fruit plantations. The goal is to reach an area of 20,000 hectares by 2025, which would be five times larger than the current cultivated area.

The article highlights the importance of safe production in order to sustain fruit exports and expand into both traditional and high-end markets. This strategy will leverage the country’s agricultural strengths and solidify its position as a leading global fresh fruit exporter.

KOTRA to Establish Trade Bond between Vietnam and the Republic of Korea

The Korea Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (KOTRA Hanoi) is organizing a professional business-to-business (B2B) trade event on September 21. This event will bring together enterprises from the Republic of Korea’s Incheon city and Vietnamese importers.

The event will feature the participation of 25 Korean manufacturers/suppliers showcasing a range of exemplary products such as cosmetics, instant food, smart home appliances, and medical equipment, among others.

According to a report from KOTRA Hanoi, these high-quality products have gained significant popularity in the Republic of Korea and have been successfully exported to numerous countries globally.

Incheon, located in the Republic of Korea, serves as a central-run city and plays a vital role as a trading port. It holds the distinction of being Korea’s inaugural free economic zone since 2003. In addition, Incheon stands as one of the largest export hubs, boasting 11 prominent industrial production complexes.

The event aims to offer Vietnamese enterprises the chance to collaborate with potential partners from Incheon city.

PM urges business environment to give Vietnamese economy new momentum

The current business cycle marks the commencement of extensive efforts aimed at overcoming the unprecedented challenges brought forth by the Covid-19 pandemic. In light of this, it becomes imperative for enterprises and investors alike to redirect their focus towards progress. Thus, it is crucial to establish a favorable and inclusive business environment that fosters swift recovery and growth.

The first half of 2022 witnessed a significant progress in the implementation of the Government’s resolution aimed at improving the business environment and increasing national competitiveness. During this period, a total of 641 regulations were successfully reduced and simplified. It is worth noting that the progress observed in this endeavor varied among ministries and localities.

The following esteemed government entities have made admirable contributions: the Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Planning and Investment, the Ministry of Information and Communication, the Ministry of Finance, and the State Bank of Vietnam.

According to an article by NDO, the reductions made by various ministries and sectors have been found to be merely superficial, lacking significant substance.

Officers at the Hai Phong Customs Department. Photo: NDO
Officers at the Hai Phong Customs Department. Photo: NDO

Despite encouraging reports on the implementation results of the Government resolution, the actual impact has fallen short of expectations. Enterprises and investors have not experienced a clear improvement in the business environment, despite ongoing efforts to address this issue annually. Economists attribute this discrepancy to the approach taken by ministries and sectors in regards to reducing and simplifying business regulations.

Business professionals anticipate the elimination of restrictive regulations to foster greater business prospects, incentivize new market entrants, and generate additional employment opportunities and economic prosperity.

At this unique time, it is important to enhance the business environment and increase national competitiveness. The goal is not only to reduce administrative burdens and save time and costs for enterprises, but also to address the obstacles hindering the recovery process. This approach will create new opportunities for enterprises to thrive and grow.

In order to achieve this goal, it is imperative to streamline the list of eligible businesses through the implementation of specific criteria. Additionally, the business requirements must be revised and optimized to eliminate any conflicts or redundancies in the existing regulations.

Vietnam and Cambodia Border Residents Receive Charitable Housing Donation

On September 19, a delegation from the Vietnam Fatherland Front Central Committee and National Council of the Solidarity Front for Development of Cambodia presented a generous donation to households living in extremely difficult circumstances along the Vietnam-Cambodia border. This contribution included the provision of 10 charitable houses and 300 packages of gifts. The gesture aimed to bring support and improve the lives of those facing significant hardships in the border region.

At the event. Photo: VNA
At the event. Photo: VNA

The content below has been rewritten:

“This event is part of the 6th International Conference on Building a Vietnam-Cambodia Border of Peace, Friendship, Cooperation, and Development. It is scheduled to be held on September 20th in An Giang, a province located in Vietnam’s Mekong Delta.”

Vietnam and Cambodia are neighboring countries with a deep-rooted traditional relationship, special solidarity, and comprehensive cooperation. According to VNA, they share a 1,137 km long land border that spans across ten provinces in Vietnam and nine provinces in Cambodia.

In recent years, both countries have made significant strides in implementing the provisions outlined in the Joint Communiqué, which aims to cultivate a peaceful, cooperative, and prosperous Vietnam-Cambodia border. These efforts have yielded tangible outcomes and demonstrated the commitment of both nations to fostering a positive and productive relationship.

Rosie Nguyen
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