Survey: Solo travel tops emerging trend in Vietnam

Individual travel worldwide, and in Vietnam in particular, is witnessing increasing popularity in the last two years, statistics show.


survey solo travel tops emerging trend in vietnam
(Photo: Asia Tour Advisor)

Tourism has always been among the economic sectors whose trends and improvements are constantly refreshed over time with the development of modern technology.

Solo travel in recent years has been becoming the world’s most-mentioned travel trend, with a growing number of solo travelers have been reported.

A sociological survey conducted by Outbo Consulting and Traveloka Vietnam over 1,047 Vietnamese reveals: 47 percent of attendants have embarked on more than four trips in the past year, 19.8 percent chose to travel alone instead of finding some companies. 43 percent told Travel Mag they have arranged, or will continue to travel alone, 33 percent said they were planning to set off on a solo tour next year.

survey solo travel tops emerging trend in vietnam
(Photo: Smart Buddies)

Vietnamese solo travelers’ favorite destinations

Domestic tourist sites are more favored by Vietnamese solo travelers than foreign destinations. According to the survey, language differences, visas, risk awareness are among the most popular barriers influencing travelers’ decision on not to embark on an outbound solo tour. Finance, in addition, is also taken into consideration by Vietnamese solo travelers as 53.5 percent of the participants said they do not want to share room, transporting vehicles, meals with other tourists.

Solo travel for Vietnamese is quite a spontaneous thing, with 29 percent of the surveyed individuals only need one week to plan out their trip, while 37 percent need from 2-4 weeks, according to Travel Mag.

Youngsters (Millennials, from 21-34 years olds) take up the largest proportion of Vietnamese solo travelers. What’s more surprising is, the number of females traveling alone is twice that of males, with 60.4 percent and 33.8 percent respectively. 52.3 percent of the Vietnamese solo travelers are university graduates working as blue-collar workers, 15.5 percent working as freelancers. 13.1 percent are self-employed and 10 percent are students.

There are many Vietnamese choose to plan and do everything on their own before and during the trip though, many consult travel agencies for suitable products and services.

Solo Travel Statistics and Trends in the world

This is a selection of solo travel statistics drawn from a variety of travel industry studies, reported by Solo Travelers.

survey solo travel tops emerging trend in vietnam
(Photo: EZ Travel Resort)

Klook concludes that Solo travel continues to present promising business opportunities “We commissioned a global Solo Travel Survey last October … Of the nearly 21,000 people we surveyed around the globe, 76% indicated that they have either traveled alone already or are considering it – regardless of age, gender, and nationality. ”

Women continue to travel solo more than men. “47% of travelers with Overseas Adventure Travel are registered as ‘solo’. An astounding 85% of these solo travelers are women”.

Solo travel as a global trend continues to grow. (October 2019) “Making up around 18% of global bookings, solo travel is becoming ever more popular and has increased by 7% in the last year alone. solo travelers typically take longer trips than the other traveler personas at approximately 19 days on average.”

Gen Z and solo travel. (July 2019) “…a third say they actually prefer to be alone when traveling and almost 20% say they want to tak a solo backpacking trip or gap year.”

Solo travel #1 trend for 2019 according to Klook. (December 2018) Solo travel, pop culture influence and the Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) effect are among the six driving factors in tours and activities for next year, reveals Hong Kong-based leading travel activities and services booking platform.

38% of those who have traveled solo will do so again. Among the top five trips that people have already been on and would like to go on again, as they allow them to experience travel to the fullest solo trip (34%).

Solo is a top trip they’d do again. Again from the study, 34% or respondents said that solo travel is among the “top five trips that they have already been on and would like to go on again”.